Miro brought us together in the most difficult times!
February 22, 2022
Miro brought us together in the most difficult times!

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Miro
Miro was used for brainstorming purposes with clients as well as to do interactive interviews among small groups of 5 to 10. It perfectly addressed our need to work remotely and in a collaborative way with people from different countries and backgrounds. We found it to be quite user-friendly and intuitive, something important for our clients.
- Interactive brainstorming
- collaborative workshops
- Structuring ideas
- Onboarding process for complete new learners
- More clarity on how to navigate templates
- Clarity on what guests are able to use and not use
- Higher ability for colleagues to work together
- Reduced confusion with clients
- More fluid communication
This point has been the greatest benefit. Particularly with older generations not being used to collab. online, Miro is a simple interface where, after a bit of getting used to it, users from all ages and backgrounds were able to get used to the tool rapidly and work more efficiently together.
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- MURAL (formerly Mural.ly) and Klaxoon
Miro provides a more fluid and easy on the eye exp. compared to the competition. It has a wider variety of templates too and seems to be adopted by a larger segment of our clients relative to other tools such as Mural or Klaxoon. Miro Academy also stands out to others.
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