SharePoint is a solid repository, but notifications are excessive
June 06, 2019

SharePoint is a solid repository, but notifications are excessive

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with MS SharePoint

MS SharePoint is our organization-wide document repository. With a dispersed company workforce, it was essential that we used a cloud-based program for organizing and sharing all our documents. We stored procedures, released CAD prints, test reports, projections, bills of materials, and all other company-wide documents on SharePoint.


  • Cloud document sharing.
  • Revision control.


  • Read/write control.
  • The ability to "boot" a user from a document to seize control.
  • Messaging users that they are locking a document without editing for a long period of time.
  • Good collaboration.
  • Locked files stay locked to an inactive user.
  • Versioning made returning to a previous document very easy, saving a lot of time recreating documents.
MS SharePoint had great Microsoft product integration compared to other services, and was a more complete enterprise package. We didn't evaluate many other services, as SharePoint's integration into other basic office programs was more valuable than saving a little bit or unnecessary features. Also, because of the breadth of SharePoint's apps, we could have all things in one place, instead of multiple services.
SharePoint doesn't feel as secure as it should, and document control isn't as granular as it could be, but SharePoint is appropriate to use as a cloud-based document repository. Active editing and shared editing would be better done on a server like Google Drive.

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