Raisers Edge NXT - Very Functional and Leads to Increased Revenue and Efficiencies
September 21, 2016
Raisers Edge NXT - Very Functional and Leads to Increased Revenue and Efficiencies
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Raiser's Edge NXT
It is used by two departments, development and finance. It is used mainly in development but across many roles in development. It is used to not only track the fundraising details by donor but also as a working document to record notes on fundraising activity, and comments etc. From a finance standpoint, it provides import files of recorded revenues to the finance system, Financial Edge NXT.
- It allows good tracking of donors' specific activity and soft-crediting the donor activity to a related donor/organization
- It has good query capability and report writing
- It is accessible on the web
- The export process of revenue data to Financial Edge could be simplified
- Cost of Raisers Edge NXT is on the high side
- Operational Efficiency
- Reduced IT expenditure due to cloud deployment
- Increased scalability due to cloud deployment
Yes we achieved these outcomes. We were able to reduce IT expenditure due to cloud deployment and increased operational efficiency.
Yes. We have both Raisers Edge and Financial Edge. We also are implementing other related revenue producing systems that integrate with Raisers Edge NXT.
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