Splashtop Enterprise is the Superior Remote Desktop Solution
January 11, 2022

Splashtop Enterprise is the Superior Remote Desktop Solution

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Remote Access
  • Remote Desktop

Overall Satisfaction with Splashtop Enterprise

I began using Splashtop Remote Desktop to allow myself to work from home when my employer enacted a stay-at-home order. Splashtop [Enterprise] proved to be the superior alternative [to] any other software we had previously used. Not only is Splashtop [Enterprsie] the least expensive software we tried, but it also has the best features. While working on feature-length films, it’s crucial to be able to hear what I’m working on, Splashtop [Enterprise] was the only software that could stream my workstation's audio to my home computer.


  • The ability to stream audio in real time works almost flawlessly.
  • Splashtop [Enterprise] has the most stable connection and doesn’t interrupt your connection for no reason.
  • Splashtop [Enterprise] is compatible with multi-monitor setups and allows you to seamlessly switch between monitors or view both at the same time.


  • The UI could be improved a bit to be more modern.
  • It would be nice to be able to generate a code so that I could invite someone else to share control of my computer if needed.
  • It would be nice to be able to plug in a hard drive to my home computer and have it show up as if it’s plugged in on my work computer.
  • Splashtop has allowed me to be more productive when I need to work from home.
  • Splashtop has saved me 3 hours a day that would’ve been spent commuting.
I haven’t needed to contact Splashtop [Enterprise] support because their website has all the information I needed.
I feel confident using Splashtop [Enterprise] because they take security and privacy very seriously. I never have to worry about compromising data because I know everything is encrypted. They make security seem really easy and painless so that I don’t feel like I have to put too much effort into it.
It was incredibly easy to set up Splashtop [Enterprise] on both my computers. It was as simple as installing the software on both computers, logging into my account, and choosing the computer I want to connect to. As long as Splashtop [Enterprise] is running I can connect to my work computer whenever I need to.
Yes - Splashtop [Enterprise] replaced Teamviewer as our Remote Desktop software of choice. Teamviewer lacks a lot of features that Splashtop [Enterprsie] has, such as live audio playback, which is crucial when working on films. Teamviewer would also disconnect for no reason, which made working from home impossible and requiring me to go into the office. Teamviewer is also a lot more expensive.

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The main area where Splashtop [Enterprise] excels is when you need to be able to hear what you’re working on. Splashtop [Enterprise] is also working really [well] when you need to connect for a long period of time. You are even able to connect to a computer without sharing the screen to upload and download files which works great too.


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