Remote IT support persons favorite tool.
September 05, 2017

Remote IT support persons favorite tool.

Shawn Bennett | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with TeamViewer

In a previous role, I would use teamviewer to help clients troubleshoot issues on the side of their local computers. The issues we were able to address may have been difficult for the end user to explain based on their understanding of the issue, or possible underlying issues. TeamViewer would allow me to access their computer remotely to recreate the steps to the issue.


  • Remote Computer Access is quick and easy enough for a novice end user to initiate for support.
  • Intuitive controls with a minimal control panel of buttons allow for easy operation.
  • Compatability.


  • For online meetings, this application does not seem to be the best route.
  • File Transfers between computers can be slow, an unnecessary function I believe.
  • End user satisfaction was up due to the ability to have a quick turn around regarding issues that were easier to fix by a expert.
  • Streamlined IT support and relieved the burden of travel or more complex remote access.
  • Less stressful on the internal staff.
The application works very well across all platforms - Windows, Windows Phone, Andriod, Linux, Mac, IOS. There is no doubt, that no matter the end users' OS or platform that we can confidently access their device for a quick and easy resolution. The TeamViewer application is well polished, gives off a professional appearance, stable, and there is the availability of customer service should any issues occur.
TeamViewer is very well suited for IT support organizations that support a wide array of end user clients. The remote access application is specifically designed, and fine tuned, to allow another user to gain full computer control. This allows 'end user' steps to be taken without having to travel to the end users location, or for them to travel to you.

The application is pushing towards web conferencing and online meetings where I feel this does not offer the optimal experience. Web conferencing applications available out there are better suited for presentations with a specific control panel for slides, etc.

TeamViewer Feature Ratings

File transfer
Instant message
Access to sleeping/powered-off computers
Session record
Not Rated
Not Rated


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