Toggl: Simple and easy to learn for to track time for data analytics and billing
Overall Satisfaction with Toggl
We currently use Toggl to track billable and nonbillable hours worked by attorneys and paralegals. We use this information to create invoices for clients. The data is also used to analyze how time is spent on tasks to determine if we are appropriately charging clients. We can also determine where a staff member may need support or training if they spend an unusually long time on a task.
- Toggl allows me to generate reports based on filters such as by client, by project, by staff member/user and by date range. This allows me to get billable hour reports for invoicing clients who have retainer fee agreements every other week.
- Toggl has a workspace feature, where several users can share the same sets of projects and clients. Aside from billing clients, this is useful in that it provides data which we can analyze to see how time is being spent on a particular task. This allows us to see areas where productivity can be increased, such as decreasing nonbillable hours spent by staff who have larger caseloads or to decrease hours spent on tasks that can be automated by implementation of a system or new tool. It also helps to identify where a staff member may need extra support or training if a particular task takes an unusually long amount of time for the staff member to complete.
- The ability to see other staff members recent work also allows all staff members to know who is handling a particular client's matter at a given time, or to see what the most recent stage of casework completed was. This information helps the staff communicate more easily if one person has a question about a particular client or matter. By looking at Toggl, any staff member can identify who would be the best person to relay information or client questions to.
- When I generate a report based on a long date range (as opposed to a single day or week), Toggl provides logged time entries per project, user, or client, according to my search. Each time entry in the report is itemized and includes a description. However, the date and time per entry is not generated with this data. When I create invoices, I have to manually find what day the work was done.
- The use of hourly retainers is relatively new to our office, and Toggl has allowed us to track work easily for hourly matters without the need for extensive training of staff or expensive additional systems or tools.
- Toggl increases productivity as the user has to record time spent per task. At least for myself, I am more aware of how I prioritize tasks and tend to focus on one task when I am running the timer. This helps me minimize distractions and bring myself back to the task at hand if I become preoccupied with something else or if I am interrupted.
Rocket Matter is far more sophisticated and better suited to a law office that has a high volume of matters that are billed by the hour. Otherwise, toggl is far simpler and easier to start using office wide.
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