Great Product, Still Needs Some Improvements
March 04, 2020
Great Product, Still Needs Some Improvements

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with UltiPro
We use UltiPro across our entire organization. It is our HR system and Payroll system. We use it to onboard new hires, house personal information, and as a time system for about 30% of our organization. We pay all of our employees via UltiPro. We are hoping to utilize UltiPro, even more, going forward, hoping to get more than 75% of our company using it as their time system and using it to communicate with our employees. We are hoping to use it as an employee directory and for our union population in the future as well.
- Employee information - the amount of employee information that can be readily stored in UltiPro is significant for our organization. We also utilize platform configuration a lot to house other information that we need for our organization.
- BI - I love BI. The reports that we are able to write and customize is essential to running our organization smoothly.
- Customization - The need to customize fields is essential to us! UltiPro makes it so easy to keep our information organized.
- Imports - Being able to import in the web is so much better and easier than it was in the back office.
- Customer Service! My number one complaint is still the new (ish) customer service model. I used to be able to submit a case and I knew the person on the other end of the phone, I knew who was going to call me. They knew my company and its quirks. Now it seems like all cases just go to random people. I have had a case that was closed 3 times and moved to a different department, started with UTM, they closed my case and moved it to Core then they closed it and moved it back to UTM. Every time I get a new person and have to re-explain everything all over again. Every time I get a case I have to explain our company's anomalies, etc. I also enter support cases and they don't get picked up for DAYS! I've gone almost a week sometimes without hearing from anyone. I used to get some sort of response in 24 hours. I don't know why the customer service department/model changed, but it was definitely not for the better.
- Not being flexible. We have submitted cases where sometimes the answer is just 'the system doesn't function that way' - case closed. That's not a good answer, as HR people we can't tell our employees that. Sometimes our people don't even have workarounds or solutions for us. We just get "it doesn't work that way".
- Costs savings
- Time savings
- Consolidating HR administration under a single solution
- Security and peace of mind
We are working on cost and time saving, which I believe go hand in hand. If we can get correct data into and out of UltiPro, we will be able to save so much time and money but doing less manual work, which will free people up for other projects, etc. We use multiple time and record systems right now, due to UltiPro not having a stadium venue solution, so being able to import time onto timesheets more easily and integrate our systems so the employee information would flow back and forth would help us really use UltiPro as our main system of record. With data protection being top of mind for a lot of people these days, security if a big issue for anyone. I have faith that UltiPro is keeping our information safe and can trust the process and the system to continue to keep our information safe.
I had a case about PTO open a few weeks back, and I believe the representative's name was Wade or Paul Wade? He was excellent! I took the time to ask all the questions about exactly what we needed, he did a lot of research that was thorough but quick.
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