WatchGuard Network Security provides solid performance for SMB customers
December 30, 2021

WatchGuard Network Security provides solid performance for SMB customers

Peter Albers | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review

Overall Satisfaction with WatchGuard Network Security

WatchGuard [Network Security] provides a reliable and simple to configure unified threat management firewall appliance, and software add-on features that are a gamechanger for the 100+ companies that I've provided this solution for. Unlike other products, we find it provides a reliable WAN connection, and branch office VPN connectivity that can be counted on. Power cycling routers, rekeying VPN tunnels, and other performance issues that are common with other product brands are not a worry any longer once a WatchGuard [Network Security] solution is in place. Firmware updates are simple to apply and occur regularly. Device configurations can be applied to devices with newer firmware, and device and subscription costs are reasonable. The spam filtering features are excellent for both novice and advanced users to configure, and technical support is based in North America, and always available. Value-added features such as the Dimension server offered by this company allow for the review and searching of detailed traffic logs so that you can always be certain why a particular incoming email message was filtered out by the spam filtering system. This makes it very simple to modify rules and whitelists to ensure all messages arrive. Locating and releasing spam messages from quarantine could not be simple. I highly recommend WatchGuard Network Security hardware and subscription services to ensure a solid defense from all cyber security threats that could negatively impact an otherwise unprotected organization.


  • Reliable performance with no down-time
  • Spam filtering
  • Virus and malware protection


  • Technical support real-time chat support
  • More competitive pricing
  • Need a simpler way to apply a 3rd party SSL certificate to the quarantine server
  • Potential cyber attacks were intercepted and prevented, saving tens of thousands of dollars in productivity losses
  • Spam and Malware were prevented from reaching users' mailboxes, saving hundreds of man-hours of labor that would otherwise be needed in the course of a year to manually purge inboxes of spam.
  • Saved thousands of dollars in travel costs, since remote sites can be part of an extended LAN, allowing from remote support.
We find that Paragon Micro is an excellent WatchGuard Security partner. We're very happy with their service.
Yes. It's possible to install and configure in a very short time, and only limited I.T. experience is needed to operate the management portal and configure options.
WatchGuard [Network Security] is far superior to all SonicWall products I've used.

Do you think WatchGuard Network Security delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with WatchGuard Network Security's feature set?


Did WatchGuard Network Security live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of WatchGuard Network Security go as expected?


Would you buy WatchGuard Network Security again?


Well suited to the small to medium sized business
Not suitable to the SOHO market due to expensive product and licensing fees

WatchGuard Network Security Feature Ratings

Identification Technologies
Visualization Tools
Content Inspection
Policy-based Controls
Active Directory and LDAP
Firewall Management Console
Reporting and Logging
High Availability
Stateful Inspection
Proxy Server


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