Zoom Gets Higher Ed
January 31, 2017

Zoom Gets Higher Ed

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with Zoom

Zoom is being used by our entire university - from instructors using it for lecture capture and online office hours, to departments and committees using it for virtual meetings and online workshops. It gives us one solution for a variety of uses across campus. It is more functional than the option built into our LMS (no downtime, distorted video/audio, no clunky installation) and is easier for students, faculty, and staff to use. We spend much less time troubleshooting Zoom than we did with our previous software.


  • Handles many use cases - recording, live meetings, office hours, etc.
  • Easy for beginners, robust enough for more advanced users.
  • Installation is simple.
  • Single Sign On option is great.


  • Zoom does not handle post-production needs (editing video/audio, etc.).
  • Zoom is not fully integrated with [our] LMS.
  • Some settings must be adjusted in online profile, where others can be adjusted in the application itself.
  • We saved a lot of money switching from a clunky solution that was built into our LMS.
  • We have spent way less time troubleshooting and supporting Zoom compared to our previous solution.
  • The IT dept has increased its own support power by using Zoom to record tutorials and for screen sharing sessions with clients.
No, we do not use Zoom Rooms.
Zoom is easier to use than any webinar software I have experienced. We don't spend much time answering support calls about it because people find the interface intuitive. Zoom prompts walk you through everything from install to locating meeting recording files. The video is high-quality and, as long as I have a good internet connection or I'm on a phone, the audio is just as good. Occasionally I am in a location with poor internet connection and, when this happens, I do not rely on computer audio as it can get choppy.
Zoom seems to be well suited for users in higher ed who are looking for a recording and live meeting tool. It is an especially good webinar/virtual meeting tool. It seems to be less appropriate for those looking for a robust lecture capture tool, as it does not handle post-production needs.

Zoom Workplace Feature Ratings

Not Rated
High quality audio
High quality video
Calendar integration
Meeting initiation
Record meetings / events
Desktop sharing
Live chat
User authentication
Participant roles & permissions


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