Fantastic VOIP System for Remote Work
April 23, 2020

Fantastic VOIP System for Remote Work

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Zoom Phone

Zoom is used as our video conferencing system. We have several different offices throughout the world so this helps us easily connect and discuss the latest happenings and whatnot at the company. Even more so now that we are all working remotely, Zoom is very handy for getting in touch with colleagues and managers to quickly discuss and iron out situations. Reduces the amount that we're on our telephones and messaging each other through Slack.


  • Transcribes voicemails. Great for those verbose folks that leave long voicemails.
  • Loud and clear volume quality! Great in a busy office with lots of people talking.
  • Easy to keep track of who has called me. Has Caller ID which is helpful.


  • I've had some slowdown on calls.
  • Would like caller ID when someone is calling rather than just in my call history.
  • Ability to use the numpad to dial numbers. Have to click the numbers instead of typing them in.
  • No need for physical phones. Saving us purchasing multiple sets.
  • Ability to be more flexible with work, whether at the office or from home.
  • Easier to keep track of and review voicemails rather than on a physical phone.
Zoom phone is SO MUCH EASIER to use than Vonage. It's easy to track calls, the interface is super clean (Vonage looks like they haven't updated since the mid-2000s). Much easier to find company contacts in the virtual directory in Zoom. Plus, the ability to dial out directly from my computer. We had some issues with Vonage where we couldn't make outbound calls via the computer. We had to set up an app on our personal phones that the Vonage system would route through. There were a number of issues with this and it wasn't very clear at all how to use it. Working remotely once ended up with me getting quite a large phone bill since the Vonage app wasn't working properly and I ended up making long distance calls on my phone. Zoom completely eliminates that issue with calls going directly through my computer and taking my phone out of the equation.
I haven't had any sort of issues with Zoom as of yet to have to call Support. That right there makes me think it's a good product. Simple and easy to use. Nothing confusing or glitchy that would make me have to get in touch with them. Straightforward so I'm not trying to figure out a specific workflow.

Do you think Zoom Phone delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Zoom Phone's feature set?


Did Zoom Phone live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Zoom Phone go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Zoom Phone again?


Great for working from home and you don't have a physical desk phone to use. I imagine a lot of people don't have a landline anymore and may be hesitant to use their personal phone to make business calls. Being in Sales, I'd rather not be using my personal number so Zoom is great for giving me the benefits of having an office phone but not being restricted to my desk and having a physical phone taking up space. Easy to pick up and go wherever I need, whether I need to make a private call or need some time away from the colleagues to focus on my calls.

Zoom Phone Feature Ratings

Hosted PBX
Multi-level Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Directory of employee names
Call recording
Call screening
Video conferencing
Audio conferencing
Video screen sharing


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