Esker is a global cloud platform built to unlock strategic value for finance and customer service professionals and strengthen collaboration between companies by automating the cash conversion cycle. Esker’s mission is to build a foundation that promotes positive-sum growth, increased productivity, improved employee engagement, and greater trust between organizations.
Tungsten PaperPort
Score 8.8 out of 10
Tungsten PaperPort (formerly from Kofax and Nuance) is a document management software offering. It includes features such as desktop document management solution and allows you to manage and organize your documents in one solution.
one-time fee per license
Tungsten PaperPort
Editions & Modules
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PaperPort Standard
one-time fee per license
PaperPort Professional
one-time fee per license
Pricing Offerings
Tungsten PaperPort
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Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup Fee
No setup fee
No setup fee
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Perpetual license products, there are no subscription or maintenance fees. Buy once, own forever.
Esker On Demand is great for Sales Order Processing order creation. We use it with web services. It can make table read calls, test order creations (simulate order), and help with order creation. They are also working on change order management, but if you have multiple order entry methods or touch points, this feature may not be usable for your company.
Kofax PaperPort is great for any office that has paper documents - seriously! We have set up multiple businesses to use Kofax PaperPort to cut down their storage of paper receipts, invoices, documents, etc by nearly 90%! Their office is much better organized and they have the ability to edit PDF Documents for a lot cheaper than buying Adobe Acrobat.
With Kofax PaperPort, documents can be merged, pages can be extracted from multiple documents and combined to make a new PDF document. It is an important feature as one needs to do it very often and more ubiquitous pdf readers like Adobe Acrobat Reader DC lacks functionalities like these.
Kofax PaperPort scans the documents and using it's OCR, converts these scans to searchable PDF documents so that these documents can be searched based on the text content in them.
Functionality to convert other formats to PDF and PDF to other formats. This is important as many times , we need to upload certain documents only in a specific format and conversion is required to and from PDF format.
We can't enter credit memos in Esker. Need to enter in SAP and then link.
PO invoices that were trained to go into the PO bucket, route into the non-PO buckets.
Freight invoices that have had hundreds going into the non-PO bucket have a tendency to route to the PO-bucket because a PO number is referenced on page 7.
PaperPort has a few quirks, but it is the only program of its kind that actually does what it claims to do. The power of it is so much more than they claim especially when it comes to trying to achieve a truly paperless office. With PDF editing built-in, it also saves considerable investment in other PDF editing programs.
Esker does everything that it promises to do, but it is very hard to figure out. I am a very tech-savvy person, but I needed extensive training to be able to use the basic functions of Esker. Once you know what you're doing, it's not too hard, but I don't understand why they couldn't make it easier to use.
For us, it's only focusing processes that we're already doing... creating folders, placing scanned files into those folders, then searching for and opening up those files later, as needed. It just helps us view everything in one place - very convenient. Further, being able to drag non-native files to their corresponding source app for editing (Word, Excel, etc) is pretty nice.
They have been very helpful and the online support site is awesome. They keep the site up to date with the latest changes and present challenges to keep learning the new updates to keep things entertaining. They are overall a great crew to work with
I have listed a few that we considered but there were many more in the initial assessment, Esker was priced well and had the best user interface. Was really easy to use and the implementation process was well designed. It was a system that could handle a two tiered delegations of authority for project expenditure and operational expenditure.
I was ecstatic to see someone moving PaperPort away from Nuance (Those in my circle of friends refer to them as Nuisance). The lack of customer involvement by Nuance made finding answers to things that sometimes irritate a user to being downright frustrating. Maybe the purchase of Nuance by Microsoft will allow the company to focus more on the customer.
We now have reporting available down to the individual field level (changes, errors, etc) and can calculate cost to serve.
It replaced on-premise hardware with cloud SaaS that is more cost effective and risk adverse.
It is more intuitive; we can put new hires on order entry and experience less user errors. As a solution owner who fixes problems and answers questions, I don't find myself having to "think" about Esker and it has become a smaller part of my job now that end-users are more self-sufficient.