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were getting the data on the platform but on API sheet we were getting no values.
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were getting the data on the platform but on API sheet we were getting no values.
Similarweb can be expensive for smaller businesses or startups. Introducing more budget-friendly pricing tiers or scaled-down versions of
Getting a little too expensive while feature options/inclusions could be clearer Mobile experience on
Similarweb is our go-to tool for SEO research. We can identify high-value keywords, track our rankings, and monitor changes in our website's traffic … for content optimization and SEO. Similarweb assists in identifying high-value keywords and understanding which keywords are…
Improvement in Cost/ Qualified Lead Reaching relevant Audience TG at lower prices
Similarweb PRO: Pricing:The platform's comprehensive features come at a cost, which might be prohibitive for smaller businesses or startups, potentially
of which channel drives the best acquisition strategy in order to be more cost effective. Similarweb helps us with market and competitor analysis (understanding … the most effective tactics across each digital platform to ensure we stay cost effective and are utilising the…
audience volume of websites that we work with keeps changing and we can reduce cost by using similarweb to track website performance. We are able to find new
since ages, but after evaluating the different tools, we found Similarweb as cost effective and deep reporting and analysis tool. Similarweb helped us in getting
Expensive Limited users per account Slight learning curve
Pricing Flexibility More up-to-date data (goes back 60 days)
Therefore, this unique combination has helped the team to create a double value: understanding the market while ensuring good execution towards eComm platforms
with limited resources: while Similarweb offers valuable insights, it's expensive and it might not be the best option for small businesses with limited budgets
SimilarWeb Pro felt like better value for money because of its lower price and apparently more reliable data.
regarding the traffic (organic, SEM,) of the website is one of the main added value of the tool. however, SimilarWeb is not an seo audit tool and it will not
through their Website Segment Analysis feature I would love to see the total value of sales on a site and a breakdown of what was bought The accuracy of the
on email and chat. I am thankful for their hard work and this remarkable value addition
countries not included in the initial package have a cost afterwards global sites are not grouped globally but have a local view only
SimilarWeb PRO results was closer to the Google Analytics ones. Also the cost of SimilarWeb PRO was more competitive
Improved new business segmentation Opportunity Cost increased revenue by $2k monthly
well as a specific channel analytical tool 2. The cost is not for a budget-restricted company thus the cost should ideally be shared by all channels … Semrush is not as cheap as some may think. Dragonmetrics support China and is specialised in organic
allowed us to change our selling standards, we are now consultative and adding value outside of the normal process
Their base package is quite expensive It wasn't the most intuitive to use when you needed to perform a specific … fit better within the workflow at my agency. Similarweb Pro is also more expensive than the others for their basic plan. I'm sure it's worth it for some
marketplaceGood Customer Support and onboarding processTrial period and price also is competitive in the market