Asana: Simple Project Management
January 27, 2014

Asana: Simple Project Management

Steven Arnold, CAPM | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Asana

We use Asana at Tribal Method to manage the development of Windows Phone applications. We start by brainstorming tasks and entering them in our workspace, and grouping the tasks and sorting them by the date the tasks is due. We then assign which team members are responsible for completing that tasks, where they "own" the tasks and manage the discussions from other team members within that task. The greatest thing about Asana is it's ease of use, and simple learning curve because it's easier to get people on board Asana when working on a project.


  • It's extremely user friendly and easy to learn, due to it's simplicity and intuitive layouts. It's simple and clean.
  • You can have your emails forwarded to Asana, where it will show up as a task, to be checked once completed, after which it will be sent to the archive.
  • Asana is constantly coming up with new ways to add value to the program. They have frequent updates on their blog to keep users in formed.
  • One of the best things about Asana is the inclusion of apps. For example, there is a Gantt chart that is now integrated for Asana


  • The inbox should be revamped to include a communal email system, such as various forums you may find online. It can be a place on the dashboard where people can post questions, or urgent messages for everyone in the workspace to see.
  • Better, more efficient communication tool that is less prone to error and misunderstanding.
It's not even comparable. Let's start with the aesthetics, over all feel and first impression. Basecamp makes you feel like you are in a dense, confusing jungle. There is too much scrolling and clutter to make Basecamp feel welcome. Asana on the other hand, feels extremely clean, with slate blue and muted grey, it gives it a very clean, almost sterile atmosphere. Basecamp is too cartoony, while Asana feels more professional and high value.
Asana seems especially useful for anything requiring collaboration on a project, whether that be in a business environment for software development, or a group of students who may occasionally collaborate remotely for a school project.

Using Asana

I not only use Asana for my work projects, but I use it in my personal life as well to keep track of my own personal projects. I've already told numerous people about Asana the past two years, a few which are now Asana users themselves. I'm a very big advocate and proponent of this free program.


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