Datto from the outside looking in!!
December 18, 2015

Datto from the outside looking in!!

Kevin Belonzi | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Datto

We actually sold Datto to clients that utilized our services and also worked to implement it within those clients' organizations. I had only little experience with it during my time at the company. It did provide good recovery solutions for these clients and operated with good functionality


  • Datto worked very well with image level backup and recovery within a virtual environment.
  • Datto was also very easy to use and made performing backups and restores quite simple.


  • The installation of Datto could definitely be a little more fast tracked and easier to understand.
  • Customer service/support could definitely use improvement.
  • Definitely helped our support and customer service within the company.
  • Provided another solution for our customers when looking to implement a solid backup and recovery system.
Datto is definitely well suited for environments that are heavy with virtual infrastructure and are in need of a disaster recovery plan.


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