Our decision to move away from HID DigitalPersona
March 09, 2022
Our decision to move away from HID DigitalPersona

Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with HID DigitalPersona (formerly Crossmatch)
Integrated with AD where our users use fingerprint readers to log into computer and web applications (password manager).
- SSO (form based authentication)
- integrate with AD to log users into computer
- somewhat ease of use for users
- very little updates is required
- fingerprint readers are expensive and need maintenance; doesn't support fingerprint reader that comes with a laptop like Dell
- should require installations on domain controllers
- software is not as intuitive (end users and management)
- software license assignment/removal is manual process
- software upgrades on a domain controller are recommended to use their professional service
Do you think HID DigitalPersona delivers good value for the price?
Are you happy with HID DigitalPersona's feature set?
Did HID DigitalPersona live up to sales and marketing promises?
I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process
Did implementation of HID DigitalPersona go as expected?
I wasn't involved with the implementation phase
Would you buy HID DigitalPersona again?
We used Windows Logon which made it easy for users to sign in but users have issue when having to change password. Password manager used by users but for both personal and business applications (can deny a user from adding a personal app like Gmail). SSO integration is not as easy as another provider like Okta or OneLogin. We ended up not using it this way via a central repository but letting users manage what application they want to save passwords for. Biometrics is limited to their hardware for the most part. We use a Dell laptop that has a reader but is not supported.
Desktop login for users is good but the high overhead of adding/removing licenses. Requires software installation on domain controllers, which most administrators tend to avoid. Upgrades are recommended to use their professional services.
It was more for password management than for application protection.
Did not use for Azure HD.
- Overhead outweighs the use.
- Application is on-prem rather than cloud based.
- Reporting is not that great to see usage/adoption.
I didn't select HID but was part of the decision-makers to move away from HID. The HID product we used was on-prem and carries a lot of overhead (installation, upgrades, hardware). We converted overall business applications to cloud-based OneLogin. We used HID for windows logon but decided it was not worth it to add that features for OneLogin (changed password requirements to more complex and less frequent password change so users have less issue remembering passwords). We deployed both SSO saml and form-based applications via the cloud so less overhead. We are able to support only business applications and don't allow personal password management. Integrates with AD via software sync on a member server rather than domain controllers. OneLogin already supports a lot of applications out of the box.
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