First staffing job, happy so far
Overall Satisfaction with JobDiva
[JobDiva is being used as a] CRM tool for all candidates, clients' information, and production tracking.
- training modules
- information tracking
- email blasts
- production tracking
- auto generated candidates, linked from zip or indeed or other platforms
- more user interface pop ups, which could be turned off. many icons, features go unused
- forecasting tools based on metric goals each week/month/quarter etc
- we tried paying for auto generated/cultivated resumes - wrong information on resumes led to waste of money
- retention of our past candidates/clients information has led to much financial success
- made the transition period into a new role much easier and given me much success in a young staffing career.
This is my first career staffing job and the first and only software used.
Do you think JobDiva delivers good value for the price?
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Did implementation of JobDiva go as expected?
I wasn't involved with the implementation phase
Would you buy JobDiva again?
JobDiva Feature Ratings
Using JobDiva
15 - recruiters and account managers and partners in the firm
- filling positions with qualified candidates
- finding positions/clients to fill with candidates
- tracking candidates after initial contact to later down the road for a new open position
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