Don't sleep on Microsoft Ads!
May 25, 2021

Don't sleep on Microsoft Ads!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads)

My organization buys ads for multiple brands. We utilize Microsoft Advertising on my account (Auto) to buy mainly search ads. Ensuring we are capturing the full demand for the brand that comes in through search as this is a lower-funnel conversion tactic. We also utilize some of their display units through the MSAN network.


  • strong CPC performance
  • ease of set up and UI structure
  • Setting up pixels and audiences is very simple


  • Bing is usually one step behind Googles updates
  • scale is much lower than its competitor
  • not as many bid automation options available
  • capturing search demand
  • audience targeting and features
  • Reporting and transparency
  • strong CPC performance
  • Strong conversion and cost per conversion performance
  • captures in-market demand
Obviously Google is a huge competitor. Typically Google is top of the game for many advertising solutions including search. Microsoft ads has a lower scale and reach compared to Google. However, Microsoft ads audience does not overlap much with Googles, providing incremental reach. Although Microsoft ads lags a bit behind in adapting the new updates that Google comes out with, their customer service is very good and they are likely to go out of their way to adapt their platform to your needs whereas their competitor does not.

Do you think Microsoft Advertising delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Microsoft Advertising's feature set?


Did Microsoft Advertising live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Microsoft Advertising go as expected?


Would you buy Microsoft Advertising again?


Microsoft Advertising is a top tier search engine, they help to capture the full demand for a company in addition to its competitor Google. The overlap between these audiences is not very large and so having a presence on both platforms opens up reach and scale. An area where it is not as appropriate is top-line awareness and prospecting.


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