Miro Miro on the wall
Overall Satisfaction with Miro
We use Miro to help storyboard out ideas for concepts. However our main use is to create workflows of information so that the team can have a shared knowledge of business processes and how the users of our product will be interacting the content we produce. This has allowed our remote team to always be in sync.
- Canvas movement
- Workflows
- Adding notes
- Smarter auto alignment
- Visibility across meeting notes for the wider team
- Digital whiteboard for the more visual learners in user testing
- Reduced meetings trying to get the team across a single idea
As a start up in its early days its important that we are able to pivot on direction and new ideas when the market and users need them. The ability to grab the team, review the current system flow and then make changes that everyone understands is vital to ensuring that we are repeating or losing work.
Do you think Miro delivers good value for the price?
Are you happy with Miro's feature set?
Did Miro live up to sales and marketing promises?
Did implementation of Miro go as expected?
Would you buy Miro again?
Lucid chart is years behind Miro in terms of features, ease of use and general implementation. There are times when simplicity is key for getting less technical people onboard for using a tool like this and Miro covers the grounds much better than lucid chart.
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