Extremely flexible and powerful for work flow and Project Management, but have an IT team behind you, internal or contracted for improved development and roll out.
June 06, 2021

Extremely flexible and powerful for work flow and Project Management, but have an IT team behind you, internal or contracted for improved development and roll out.

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Score 8 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with monday.com

  • Really haven't got it developed to the point where I can say too much.
  • We found it very useful for a resource management situation where we had limited people resources being demanded from multiple projects, it was very helpful for the short duration, but it was difficult to get it fully adopted and integrated with timesheets and vacation planning.
Generally it is used for tracking status on Quotes for various solutions that we integrate, it more specifically is being developed to improve our Project Management tracking, reporting and communication. I have been using it to track some useful information needed for Product Management, but that's not widely used by other Product Managers as SalesForce is currently being set up for deployment. Monday.com is not use broadly in the organization, it's tough sell to get people to change their habits.


  • Project Management is looking particularly strong, it was initially not good on a few levels but it's come a long way in the past year and I am excited by what it can do.
  • Continuous development and new features is very healthy, lots of new features all the time.
  • With an appropriate IT department the functionality and flexibility is outstanding.
  • Technical support is quick and hard working, they generally have an answer or idea when I am trying to build out a particular work flow or resolve an issue where I need to learn more about the way the application works.


  • Interacting with the outside world, by this I mean mostly via Email or alternative high traffic tools. It's been difficult at times to know who's received or more importantly was on the distribution of a message sent from within Monday.com. This is important for early adoption because many people don't recognize how to interact with a message they get from me, via Monday.com and how to reply.
  • Again with interacting, it was an early complaint that there are too many messages coming out of Monday.com and it gets time consuming and confusing as to what they are and what someone might need to be doing with that. Could be my lack of detailed experience with the system but that's actually made adoption harder.
  • Calculated results can't be used by automations, this is an important feature from my perspective as a calculated result is one method for setting up a decision tree algorithm.
Intuitiveness is a function of willingness and ability around developing and using similar tools and applications, not all industrial users feel comfortable developing their own workflow, or exploring features and functions within a tool. That seems to be the situation within the organization I currently work in.
We've run out of our CSM support period, but the support team has been extremely helpful on individual questions, concerns and support needs.
Difficult to say the features aren't working as designed, most seem to and any issues that I've worked with support on generally come down to either me not using the feature properly, or the feature does not yet exist. In general I believe my company was an early adapter for this product, lots of new feature and great features have been showing up lately. I am now finding it necessary to rebuild some of the workflows and board automations and functions which is taking up some time and effort of mine as well as from the Monday support team. Uptime hasn't been an issue that has impacted our use of the tool.

Do you think monday.com delivers good value for the price?


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Would you buy monday.com again?


Monday.com works best where people have some skill and desire to build their own work flow management processes, I suspect it might be very useful in some manufacturing situations, in an accounting workflow, and we use it in a Project Management work flow situation. I suspect for small to medium sized businesses it would work quite well as a CRM, in my organization it would have been sufficient however it was not selected. In all cases it would be best to have an IT department that would be focused on its development, in my case I have done pretty much all the development, we don't have an IT team. I have struggled getting adoption because our company wasn't fully aware of the need for that IT support. Limited resources these days drives the focus to more important areas in need of immediate improvements.

monday.com Feature Ratings

Task Management
Resource Management
Gantt Charts
Workflow Automation
Team Collaboration
Support for Agile Methodology
Not Rated
Document Management
Email integration
Mobile Access
Timesheet Tracking
Change request and Case Management
Budget and Expense Management
Project & financial reporting
Integration with accounting software
Not Rated


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