NXT new user that sees the potential
Updated April 24, 2017

NXT new user that sees the potential

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Raiser's Edge NXT

Raiser's Edge is primarily being used by the development department. We have however trained all staff, programs, finance, communication and others with individual training that pertain to their department.


  • Pre-programmed graphs to show donor/donation history through the org on the analyze page is amazing.
  • The user interface is 100 times better and more user friendly than the Raiser's Edge UI. It's just more intuitive.
  • Having the ability to add a photo with the record is awesome.
  • I like that the addresses are clickable to Google Maps.
  • The search is great in that is brings up results before you are finished typing.


  • I understand that they have worked to make the website mobile friendly but the next best step would be to create an app. So that I don't have to type in my super long user name and password every time.
  • Make more of the record editable. It was great when you added email and phone editing but it will be even better when you can add editing to call contact info.
  • Under "Lists" it would be great to be able to customize the filters more. For instance when I filter gifts, it only allows a certain range of time. At least add 1 month as a time under "Within this period".
  • I would like to be able to export the lists into an excel spreadsheet directly from NXT.
  • I'm currently researching a list of donors and I have them filtered by the ticket donation they just made. I wish there was a way for their spouses to show up in the same list because I've found info about them I want listed as well, including their photo.
  • It would be great to link actions to the fundraiser's email. So that if I put in a note for my CEO to call a donor that it would notify him by email.
  • Operational Efficiency
  • Increased revenue from new donors
  • Increased revenue from existing donors
  • Reduced IT expenditure due to cloud deployment
  • Increased scalability due to cloud deployment
We have only been using it for 3 months so it's too early to say [whether or not we have achieved these outcomes by using Raiser's Edge NXT].
I think that Blackbaud certainly has the best knowledge of what fundraisers need but is slow to make those solutions user friendly.
It's great for loging meeting notes and actions and seeing an overview of the donor. Not as great for doing detailed searches and editing donor info.

Raiser's Edge NXT Training

They need to offer more classes but it was last summer when I took it so maybe they do now. With the new feautures adding all the time it's hard to keep up.


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