Spiceworks, Where IT goes to work
June 06, 2014

Spiceworks, Where IT goes to work

Jennifer Metcalf | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • Inventory
  • Helpdesk
  • Knowledgebase

Overall Satisfaction with Spiceworks

The IT department uses Spiceworks as our ticketing software for internal support. We were looking for somthing to replace the very bulky ticketing software we had been using.


  • But it's created and supported as if it was a very expensive program.
  • Web-based. Got a browser? You can get your tickets.
  • MUCH. INFORMATION. If you know a little SQL, you can get it to tell you just about anything about your network.
  • Community. Adjacent to the program is a flourishing community of, I think at this point, over 5 million users. Reviews, how-tos, vendors, anything you could need in a forum, plus a plate of bacon.
  • Access to devs. Not only is their support great, but through the community, you can get some access to the developers. I'm currently bugging them over some feature requests. :)


  • Plug-ins. There are a few features, like nesting sub categories when creating a ticket that you would expect to be standard, but are only supported by plugins. It's not fun when you depend on a feature you get from a plugin, and the creator stops working on it.
  • SQLite isn't my favorite thing in the world, but it's what I have to fight to write custom reports.
  • It takes a lot less time to open tickets
  • Track-it and Service Center
Spiceworks does so much more than any of the ticketing systems I've used. The inventory feature is so helpful.
It's free. And it's great.
I started using this for a small amount of users, and it worked great. At my current company, we have significantly more users and it still works great.

Spiceworks Implementation

If you can spin up a VM to run it on, you'll thank yourself later. If you have remote sites, set up a local server (or dedicated computer) at each site and set them up as remote collectors for the main site. You'll save time and bandwidth.
Change management was minimal
  • Learning how to get a third-party plugin to play right.

Spiceworks Support

They have always been very good to me. Issues are resolved quickly, sometimes even without me reporting through official channels.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - Yes. I reported an issue I had in a non-official venue on the forum. Within a few hours, a member of the support team had reached out to me for more information, which I got to him. He recognized it as a bug, gave me a workaround until it was fixed, and the same time, helped me find a work around for another issue that came up due to using an older version.
Every time I have contacted support (which has not been often), I have gotten wonderful support. Quick response times, coherent and detailed explanations, and they stick it it out until you're happy.

Using Spiceworks

It just works.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Creating/working with tickets
  • Inventory
  • Reporting
  • Everything
  • writing custom reports in SQLite
Yes - Very well. They have done so much more with the recent updates to the mobile apps.


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