UltiPro - Bringing all of HR under one roof
March 11, 2020

UltiPro - Bringing all of HR under one roof

Mallori Barg | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with UltiPro

We just recently added Ultipro to our arsenal to combine a few systems that we were utilizing. We are using UltiPro for onboarding of our new employees from recruiting to new hire employee forms, performance reviews, benefits administration with self serve enrollment of benefits, and are working on rolling out the training portion to deliver training to our new hires and refresher training for existing employees. Previously, we were using one site for training, another for recruiting, another for benefits administration etc.


  • Training on how administrators use the system. They put in a lot of effort into ensuring you are set up correctly.
  • Improvements - they seem to be updating their system constantly to respond to their customer's needs.
  • Pulling in multiple functionalities into one system.


  • With the training feature, you can get to it from the main UltiPro login, but you can't get back to the main screen in UltiPro from the training menu. It's a one way link.
  • Setting up security access is very individual. This can be good so that you can define what each user actually needs, but it is tedious so that you can't just assign a pre-defined set of rules for a role and assign it to a list of individuals wholesale.
  • The benefits administration feature would be better if it would total up your costs for you as you chose your benefits from the available lists. You don't get a total until the end, which isn't ideal.
  • Time savings
  • Consolidating HR administration under a single solution
We are saving time by not having to enter employees information into several systems before being able to use them. We had employee data in several hubs, all disconnected from each other, so something as simple as changing an employee address had to be updated in several systems to be accurate. Using UltiPro, we have consolidated most of our HR administration uses under a single solution. We still have to enter some HR related information into our business system for project management purposes, but everything else is housed under one roof.
We have used Mindflash for our training needs for several years now. Both systems have their good and bad features. Mindflash is able to upload Powerpoint documents and present them with the intended transitions, where UltiPro cannot. Mindflash also allows you to insert quizzes and other documents within the presentations themselves, which UltiPro does not. However, UltiPro allows you to set up rules based on employee information so that you don't have to manually add, or assign new employees training. Additional training can be added as necessary, but this saves several steps. UltiPro also allows administrators to mark courses complete for the user. This feature isn't needed often, but we have come across scenarios where this functionality would definitely have been a plus.
I haven't noticed any significant lag with the system generating reports or completing actions. We haven't tried to integrate UltiPro with any outside systems though as we were told it would be something we would have to pay consulting fees for. We haven't found a need significant enough to pay for that service.
The trainer they assigned to us for the training portal was top notch. She would send us the covered items for each of the training sessions before and after so we had a review of what was covered in each meeting (of which there were several). She also kept a list of the outstanding items and made sure to follow up on the status and answer each of them quickly.
Again, the training they supplied us for the training module was excellent. There were items that we questioned during the sessions, she took note of them, included them in her recap emails for the session, and then had follow-up items in each of the subsequent emails she sent. Whether she had an answer yet or not, she would include the items so that we knew they hadn't fallen off her radar.
I think UltiPro will be a great solution if they keep updating and adding to their offerings. They are able to accommodate a lot of different functions within a business, but they need to focus on how their products are being used. Some of the linking and pairing would function better if it felt like an all encompassing system, rather than several systems linked together. If you like to customize items yourself for your business needs, you can do some of that with it's out of the box offerings, but a lot of it would have to be configured by their team. This puts limits on you as you would have to pay them to do these things for you.

UKG Pro Feature Ratings

Employee demographic data
Not Rated
Employment history
Not Rated
Job profiles and administration
Not Rated
Workflow for transfers, promotions, pay raises, etc.
Not Rated
Organizational charting
Not Rated
Organization and location management
Not Rated
Compliance data (COBRA, OSHA, etc.)
Not Rated
Pay calculation
Not Rated
Support for external payroll vendors
Not Rated
Benefit plan administration
Not Rated
Direct deposit files
Not Rated
Salary revision and increment management
Not Rated
Approval workflow
Not Rated
Balance details
Not Rated
Annual carry-forward and encashment
Not Rated
View and generate pay and benefit information
Update personal information
View job history
View company policy documentation
Employee recognition
Tracking of all physical assets
Not Rated
Not Rated
Report builder
Not Rated
Pre-built reports
Not Rated
Ability to combine HR data with external data
Not Rated
Performance plans
Performance improvement plans
Review status tracking
Review reminders
Multiple review frequency
Create succession plans/pools
Not Rated
Candidate ranking
Not Rated
Candidate search
Not Rated
Candidate development
Not Rated
Not Rated
New hire portal
Not Rated
Manager tracking tools
Not Rated
Corporate goal setting
Not Rated
Individual goal setting
Not Rated
Line-of sight-visibility
Not Rated
Performance tracking
Not Rated
Job Requisition Management
Not Rated
Company Website Posting
Not Rated
Publish to Social Media
Not Rated
Job Search Site Posting
Not Rated
Duplicate Candidate Prevention
Not Rated
Applicant Tracking
Not Rated
Notifications and Alerts
Not Rated


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