I'm wild for Wufoo
Overall Satisfaction
We currently use Wufoo at the Kornhauser Health Sciences Library. At first it was just a statistical tool to use with the reference librarians, helping them to keep their monthly clinical stats and producing reports. Since then we've used it as a survey for a focus group and as a way to create a digital iPad checkout form. Wufoo was a test for us, we were looking for something that would do more than Excel and Survey Monkey but wasn't complicated and easy to use. This process has become most helpful when it comes to producing the statistics reports each month.
- Website is easy to navigate, very user friendly.
- I love that there are no limits on form creation.
- There are lots of widgets when creating reports, I think that's cool.
- Wufoo is very quick to answer customer questions.
- When data is entered, it'd be great if you could see all the entries on one single page.
- I wish there was a little more education on creating reports, I feel like I had to do trial by fire when it came to using the widgets and creating reports.
- I wish the home page (with reports, surveys) was better organized. I hate that they can't be placed in alphabetical order instead they default to the date created.
- I wish the Excel spreadsheet capability was built into the actual site.
- Sometimes it seems like there is no use for some of the widgets in the reports area.
- When I customize a survey - as far as appearance - I wish that would come across when inputting data on the back end.
- Increased employee effeiciency
- Saves time
- SurveyMonkey,excel
I've used Survey Monkey and Excel. Survey Monkey lacked functionality for me, I couldn't get it to do what I wanted it to do. I didn't have as much control over my form, I think part of that was on us though - we tried to turn a survey program into a statistical recording one - it just didn't work. Excel worked great for a while but when it came to grouping and separating data it became more of a hassle than a help. Wufoo fixed these issues for us.
Product Usage
8 - Library director, clinical reference librarians and public access service representative
1 - Skills required - trained on wufoo surveys and reports, with an understanding of excel, with an understanding of departmental needs and goals.
- Produce monthly stats for clinical reference librarians
- Keep a digital list of iPad check-out
- Organize data and information for reference librarians
- iPad checkout form
- For recording outreach events
Evaluation and Selection
Yes - Excel, it just wasn't giving us the kind of reports that we needed in a timely manner.
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Usability
- Prior Experience with the Product
Price, the fact that it was cheap helped us decide to take the risk.
We only tried 2 other products before we ended up with Wufoo. It wasn't a hard or long process, it was just a lot of trial and error.
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