Lansweeper vs. SolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Score 8.7 out of 10
Lansweeper - Network Discovery and IT Asset Management Software Lansweeper is an IT asset management solution that provides network…
per year per asset
SolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)
Score 7.3 out of 10
Austin-based SolarWinds offers Internet Protocal address management (IPAM) networking service.N/A
LansweeperSolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)
Editions & Modules
Free (up to 100 assets)
per year per asset
Additional Help Desk Agents
per year per user
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Pricing Offerings
LansweeperSolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeOptional
Additional Details—SolarWinds professional support is included to help customers on active maintenance 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
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Community Pulse
LansweeperSolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)
Considered Both Products

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SolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)
Chose SolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)
SolarWinds IP Address Manager runs slower than the other applications but provides more information than just the IP and hostname. SolarWinds IP Address Manager also has a graphical representation of the used, reserved, unused, etc. The cost is greater than the others but …
Top Pros
Top Cons
LansweeperSolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)
IT Asset Management
Comparison of IT Asset Management features of Product A and Product B
12 Ratings
2% above category average
SolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)
Software and hardware inventory tracking8.012 Ratings00 Ratings
License management8.18 Ratings00 Ratings
Asset lifecycle monitoring8.01 Ratings00 Ratings
Asset relationship management8.111 Ratings00 Ratings
Best Alternatives
LansweeperSolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)
Small Businesses
Score 8.9 out of 10

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Medium-sized Companies
KACE Systems Management Appliance
KACE Systems Management Appliance
Score 10.0 out of 10

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KACE Systems Management Appliance
KACE Systems Management Appliance
Score 10.0 out of 10

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All AlternativesView all alternativesView all alternatives
User Ratings
LansweeperSolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)
Likelihood to Recommend
(14 ratings)
(91 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(1 ratings)
(4 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(11 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
Support Rating
(3 ratings)
(58 ratings)
Implementation Rating
(0 ratings)
(3 ratings)
Product Scalability
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
Vendor post-sale
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
User Testimonials
LansweeperSolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)
Likelihood to Recommend
Lansweeper I believe is well suited for any environment - its low cost and small footprint make it an easy addition to any organization, big or small, that is looking for an asset inventory solution that can either replace or supplement existing asset management systems. It may not be well suited for situations where a lot of customization is necessary, such as pulling in custom fields or details from equipment that don't reside in a registry.
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SolarWinds IP Address Manager is very useful the bigger and more complex the environment. Smaller organizations will have to consider the cost as it provides little benefit over monitoring maybe 2-3 servers. But I have over 24 DHCP servers with on average 15 subnets each so tracking and monitoring all that was very time-consuming. As a result, it was generally ignored until there was an issue. With SolarWinds IP Address Manager, I was able to set alerts to monitor scope utilization and duplicate IP addresses.
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  • Inventory - LANSweeper scans the network for devices - anything with an SNMP trap or using AD or local credentials. We can get an in-depth look at devices.
  • Reporting - LANSweeper can generate just about any report you can imagine. We can check RAM in groups and determine where upgrades are needed. We can find local printers (which aren't allowed on our network) and address that issue with the user. We can check CPU type to help determine end of life without our network.
  • Printers - It's nice to have a quick look at printer statuses. Toner levels, out of paper, and service errors are all reported via LANSweeper.
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  • With IPAM automated address scanning, we can be confident that we are looking at an up-to-date, accurate snapshot of our network.
  • The built-in alerts are a great safety net. We know that even if we aren't paying close attention to our IP address space, IPAM is. If a range is nearly full, IPAM lets us know before it becomes a real problem.
  • IPAM's event logging gives us insight into any and all changes made by our network engineers.
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  • Can only scan what it sees. Doesn't show every item on the machine. Patches are also absent.
  • Software Recognition is OK with Microsoft. It is dire within our network of multiple products. Recognition is at about 35% with constant manual work needed to baseline for each manufacturer in each network
  • Datacenter compliance is a manual project. We used Excel extensively.
  • License optimization is limited to installations v surplus licenses. We need to know who's using what and how.
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  • The user experience is not as intuitive as other products. We have to be more restrictive around level 1 help desk access compared to NCM or NPM in SolarWinds.
  • Making and enforcing changes, not just monitoring, has been hit or miss in some instances.
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Likelihood to Renew
The price to function scale is so far towards function it would be stupid to get rid of it
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We are heavily invested in SolarWinds. We currently own Network Performance Monitor, Netflow Traffic Analyzer, User Device Tracker, Server Application Monitor and Network Configuration Manager. We have NOC mode setup for deskside support for monitoring any down devices that may effect our network across the globe. This application gives us the information we need when we need it.
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SolarWinds IPAM is like what SolarWinds itself says, i.e. easy to use and simple. SolarWinds has really made their orion and non-orion platform products so simple that any newbie can give a try and make the best use out of it. I learned SolarWinds IPAM by myself in a POC environment, and not just IPAM but other modules and now I own 6 certifications. You see how easy to use this product is.
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Reliability and Availability
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We don't have any issues with availability. Our cluster setup provide us a 99,9% availability that is enough for us.
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We do not integrate IPAM into other systems other than the standard Orion integration. The performance is reasonable, however, we are running all the SolarWinds applications on a very large server.
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Support Rating
Lots of info online there are tons of SQL Reports you can copy from the web as Lansweeper and users post many of them. They also send out alerts that pop up on Lansweeper, letting you know of an update that you need for certain software and provide an SQL report so you can scan your system to see what PCs need this update.
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I have not contacted customer support and therefore have no experience in this area. I know we have some issues with our VAR support at this time for Orion, but I don't know if the IPAM falls into the same support structure. Perhaps others in the organization may know more regarding the support area.
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Implementation Rating
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Know the full scope of what you will be installing. Solarwinds can be a very complex installation. IPAM is just one fairly simplistic piece.
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Alternatives Considered
Microsoft System Center needs to install agents on all IT asset for discovery and sometimes the agents can easily get corrupted. Lansweeper is a SaaS solution and it's easier to deploy to all IT asset that are connected to the network. This save us a lot of deployment time without the need to engage vendor for professional service.
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SolarWinds IP Address Manager was cheaper than both alternatives and far easier to manage. Device42 interface is years behind what Solarwinds offers. It is very outdated; BT Diamond required remote management and we constantly had to message support, it reached a point where it was better not to have the product at all.
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We have not experienced any scalability issues with this product. However, SolarWinds needs to allow users to scale horizontally without any license restrictions. For example, we would like to separate Netflow and Orion onto different platforms but are unable to due to license restrictions.
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Return on Investment
  • It had a positive impact on solutions expense cause several teams we're using different solutions with different costs that used several servers and DB resources. Now, we've been able to simply that a lot with Lansweeper.
  • With my previous point, people had to train and learn about each of their solutions. Now we can put a team in charge and so the other teams can focus on other tasks.
  • Last year Lansweeper changed their licencing prices a lot so it slashed our budget.
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  • IPAM has saved countless hours of running scripts and gathering data to compile reports to plan re-subnetting globally.
  • IPAM has reduced helpdesk incidents by immediately spotting bad DNSR and IP conflicts.
  • IPAM has helped eliminate blocks on projects whereas there is not currently enough address space requiring major changes to accommodate more IP'ed servers, gear, etc.
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Lansweeper Screenshots

Screenshot of Lansweeper Cloud IT DashboardScreenshot of Cloud Asset Summary PageScreenshot of On-premise Asset Summary PageScreenshot of Asset History PageScreenshot of AD User ReportScreenshot of Switch Asset Page

SolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM) Screenshots

Screenshot of Customize your IP address management dashboard to quickly focus on your top priorities.Screenshot of Manage your DHCP and DNS services in one place.Screenshot of Streamline IP requests with a simple intake and approval wizard.Screenshot of Automatically scan for subnets or manually add.