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What is ContestPad?

Launchpad6 is a contest management software from the company of the same name in Melbourne.

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per year

Entry-level set up fee?

  • No setup fee
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  • Free Trial
  • Free/Freemium Version
  • Premium Consulting/Integration Services

Starting price (does not include set up fee)

  • $540 per 3 months
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Product Details

What is ContestPad?

ContestPad Videos

ContestPad Tutorial #1 - Styling and publishing the first contest
ContestPad Tutorial #2 - Configuring ContestPad to accept submissions
ContestPad Tutorial #3 - Setting up voting periods
ContestPad Tutorial #4 - Setting up judging

ContestPad Technical Details

Deployment TypesSoftware as a Service (SaaS), Cloud, or Web-Based
Operating SystemsUnspecified
Mobile ApplicationNo
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Reviews From Top Reviewers

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Reviewing LaunchPad6

Rating: 8 out of 10
February 10, 2022
Vetted Review
Verified User
ContestPad from Launchpad6
2 years of experience
I consider that Launchpad6 has been an extraordinary software capable of creating and managing contests. I am a Social Media Manager as a Freelancer for a local TV Service Provider. I had the chance of using this software for different Award Contests. This software has given us the opportunity of creating those contests and to personalize them.
  • User Friendly.
  • Accurate
  • Afordable
  • Small lag when starting the software.
  • Not a good communication tool.
  • Need to improve monitoring.
Launcpad6 works better in situations where there is a need of creating events. I strongly consider that it is one of the best software that we have implemented in order to create and manage events. I believe that Launchpad6 would not work in an environment where Customer Service or Technical Assistance is needed.
  • Affordable
  • User friendly.
  • Personalization
  • Saved time on creating videos.
  • Easy to manage events.
  • Easy to personalize it.
Launchpad6 is easier to understand and manage, compared to other software. I tried Wishpond a couple of times but Launchpad6 demonstrated to me that it was the best option in the market. I have tried Launchpad6 for a while and it has worked perfectly. We have seen a productivity increase within our team.


Rating: 10 out of 10
February 15, 2022
Vetted Review
Verified User
ContestPad from Launchpad6
1 year of experience
In the realm of online media, launchpad6 is the best approach to differentiate oneself from the competitors for user-generated content. Launchpad6 is a web application that produces customizable video sites and mobile sites in minutes to power user-generated video contests. Launchpad6, often deployed for advertising agencies, media companies, and brands, uses the platform's potential to boost brand recognition, generate traffic, and engage consumers in interactive, targeted viewpoints. I've used it at a glance to get a quick overview of the application with pros and cons.
  • Brand and social awareness campaigns as well as the curating of user-generated content may all benefit from Launchpad6 is the ease with which I can access my work environment.
  • It reduces the number of log-ins required by integrating all of the associated components. While also implying an extension some of the following features included; web page design that includes video, graphics, music, and documents may be customized.
  • Gateways for voter registration and participation.
  • With tremendous user-friendly functionality, it's the simplest for content development dedicated to the organization.
  • It is working perfectly as expected.
It is easy and stress-free to use content management software to create compelling content for business websites and social media accounts. Even though features i.e fraud management, security layer, and payment gateways, besides that, other useful features like voting rules are simply fantastic for casting opinions and voting from the audience. In concluding remarks, it could be more uses and bugs which useful and feasible for our organisation if the price could have been reduced a little and also offered an extended trial period for use, which ensures the full exploration of its features and bugs which could be addressed and debugged.
  • Among the loaded features,only a few are important for our organize and . i.e., the payment gateway and fraud management.
  • Overall, the features are usable by businesses, most of them are very important.
  • Despite the combined media platform features, it is very useful without complexity environment.
  • Payment gateway is the key robust feature that make positive impacts on the business goal.
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