Bomgar's a Rockstar
Updated February 05, 2015

Bomgar's a Rockstar

Joe House | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Enterprise Licensing

Overall Satisfaction with Bomgar

It was originally purchased to support our customers with software purchased through us. Others in our company have started using it for in house education. In my department it is a crucial part of the solution for our customers. There is no interpretation by our customers as we used to have when just providing phone support. Bomgar allows us to see what the customer sees and things that they can't (easily anyway).


  • Probably top most on my list is the support from Bomgar - they use their own product and take their support very seriously. They have always been available when I've needed help. They even set up a temporary host on their server when my IT crew, mistakenly plugged into the wrong port.
  • Talk about documenting a support session. We have the complete recording of what a tech will do to help a customer. There are no ambiguities as to what was done or not done. Not that any of our customers have complained about a support session - quite to the contrary all customers that give reviews after a support session rate the experience as either high or very high.
  • Best of all...I can help my mother in law with her computer without having to go to her house.


  • It's hard to come up with something that I don't like. Bomgar is very responsive. If you had asked me this last year, I would have said that getting customers connected with our system was difficult, but Bomgar has come up with programming that makes it easier for the customer to figure it out.
  • Administering the unit is sometimes confusing, but it doesn't happen that often - which could be why I'm not that quick about it.
  • Bomgar will easily turn a 45 minute phone call into a 5 minute support session. You can't get back that extra 40 minutes any faster.
  • Customers who complete the post session survey have all rated the service either high or very high. We love having happy customers.
We like the cost effectiveness of Bomgar as opposed to Webex. It's been some time since we've used Webex, but I love the ease of use of Bomgar.
I love Bomgar for software support for our customers. I also use it to train my team - which is spread out geographically across the western US. We have also started using it for educational purposes both inside and outside our company.

Using Bomgar

I'm addicted. I don't know how long I'd be able to go without it. While it is a significant cost, it more than pays for itself.

Evaluating Bomgar and Competitors

Yes - WebEx Support -- Bomgar was a less expensive alternative that also allowed for presentations - something that we were considering when using Webex, but never made the jump due to high cost to add that feature.
  • Price
  • Product Features
  • Product Reputation
  • Prior Experience with the Product
The combination of price and features made this an easy switch.
I am very happy with our choice. I am sure that the outcome would have been the same, but I would have probably tried out more solutions rather than just going by "the charts". Also online reviews like TrustRadius were unknown to me at the time.

Bomgar Support

Very helpful. Very responsive. They have the ability to set up a duplicate site if your unit goes down for any reason - very little down time.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Not Available - The support team at Bomgar is premium without the added expense
Our IT team accidentally plugged our Bomgar unit into a the wrong port, disabling our system. After some initial trouble shooting, the Bomgar service rep set up an alternate site for us to use while we figured out what was going on. That was a life saver.

Using Bomgar

Bomgar allows me time to give reviews like this one. Without it, I'd still be on the phone with my customers trying to get them into the device manager or tell me their IP address.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Logging into a customer's system for the first time is always impressive. You can hear them getting colleagues to gather around and watch the magic happen on their screen.
  • Solving a customer's problem with Bomgar in a fraction of the time with either phone support or an onsite visit (who likes rush hour traffic???) always leaves my customers with a favorable impression
  • The only thing that I struggle with is the admin side of the unit - but this is because I don't use this area that often. I am usually able to get done what I logged in to do though.


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