A Must for Salesforce Admins
June 17, 2020

A Must for Salesforce Admins

Chelsea Strong | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • DupeBlocker
  • MassEffect
  • MassImpact
  • MassLeadConvert
  • Lead2ContactDedupe
  • Lead2AccountDedupe
  • Find / Report ID's

Overall Satisfaction with DemandTools

DemandTools is used by our Salesforce Admins to maintain data quality and run regular data maintenance. It's an incredibly easy and powerful tool to help all admins with any data maintenance. We use it almost daily anytime we need to do mass data updating or to clean up our database with mass-deduping. When initially implementing Salesforce at our company, DemandTools allowed us to mass convert leads and the Find/Report ID's feature is a great feature that I haven't seen other data loaders have.


  • All the modules within DemandTools are so powerful and straightforward to use it's become an all-in-one powerhouse tool that has a solution for all my data maintenance needs.
  • Find/Report IDs is a unique feature that I haven't seen other data loaders use and makes searching for data much easier instead of wasting time writing out tons of v-lookups in Excel.
  • Mass Lead Conversion is an amazing tool for Salesforce implementations.
  • The flexibility of being able to use MassEffect, MassImpact, or PowerGrid depending on what data you're updating is great because you can pick the tool that will be the fastest for your current need.


  • The way the data is returned with the Find/Report IDs feature is a little messy. It adds a lot of extra columns to your sheet and the matches aren't very obvious at first glance.
  • When using tools like MassImpact or PowerGrid and you need to add in conditions to pull data, the interface is a little clunky. It's good if you have a regular dataset that you update because you can save the scenario, but for a one-off I tend to pull a report from Salesforce and edit in Excel because it's faster.
  • Would love to see the ability to use Cross Filters within modules like MassImpact and PowerGrid so that the data pulled can be a bit more dynamic rather than one object.
  • It has allowed us to automate routine tasks so it saves admins a lot of time.
  • Our Salesforce Implementation was made much more smoother because of DemandTools
Cloudingo is great for de-duping, particularly automated de-duping, but doesn't have the same quality of data maintenance capabilities. Because it's done in the cloud, it can be a little slow to use and the interface can get confusing and hard to understand what you're updating. I've also used Salesforce Data Loader and some other free tools but DemandTools is the easiest and fastest to use.
DemandTools was a must for our Salesforce implementation and great for regular data maintenance. It has gotten rather pricey since Validity bought them so for smaller companies it may not be necessary as there are other tools out there that do the same thing. But I do think that DemandTools is very easy to use and powerful so if you have a Salesforce org with a lot of data or one that requires a lot of maintenance, the time it saves makes the tool worth it.


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