Best support team & sales-minded UI/UX!
Overall Satisfaction with DiscoverOrg
In the last 4 years, I've seen DiscoverOrg UI/UX change so much - becoming more and more sophisticated and an easy recommendation at every sales org I join. From small sales org building lists to teams of 100+ creating more targeted account-based lists, DiscoverOrg always has the most verified and diverse data.
- Most verified TEDD (Technology, Engineering, Design & Development) contacts in the market.
- Detailed filtering system geared towards sales folks.
- More marketing contacts.
- Without sales operations or enablement roles in many small sales orgs, being able to implement new sales tools is a huge selling point. Every CSM and AM I've worked with went above & beyond to support my team!
- Such an incredible feature to be able to refresh SFDC database with new, verified data from DiscoverOrg so as soon as you come into the office, you can reach out to folks with the best contact data.
DiscoverOrg is enterprise-level ready - from its detailed filtering, sales-minded UI/UX, amazing CSM's and AM's, easy SFDC integration, to automatically updating your sales databases with better contact information.
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