Good product that continues to improve
Updated July 05, 2022
Good product that continues to improve
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training
We use KnowBe4 to assist us in training our users on how to handle the various methods bad actors use to try and gain a foothold within our organization. It has given us a lot of insight into our users and allowed us to focus on those that need additional training to make the most of our time and energy. Their Phish reporting plugin for Outlook has been useful as well as it gives our users a method of reporting emails without contacting our Helpdesk and tying them up. Their SSO integration left something to be desired to start with but has improved over the last 2 years.
- User Awareness training
- Good customer service
- Good engagement with end users
- The SSO integration was lacking but has been improved.
- Tighter Active Directory integration
- More guidance for admins on how to lower your click rate.
- Helped with compliance training
- Moved important testing off of legacy systems
- Made the end user much more aware of what they are doing in email.
We've not reviewed any other products in this space.
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It has caused us to review the platform more regularly and try to utilize what they are providing, to make the most out of the money we are spending there. It is nice to have a consolidated platform for various training needs and having that content available has helped us stay within the KnowBe4 ecosystem.
We set up custom Active Directory groups for KnowBe4 and used their ADSync tool to bring our users and groups into KnowBe4. We have recently started to use the Azure integration and are looking forward to using that integration as we move to a more cloud-based model for our organization.
The number of users who are clicking is an important metric for us in determining how effective our training is and where we need to focus more energy on training our users. We can also use that information to understand if our higher-risk users are proficient with the training or if they need to have additional training to ensure the safety of the organization.
KnowBe4 Compliance Plus
We've not broadly deployed the training through the organization yet, what training we've used has been top notch and very useful. There is a good selection of topics and useful information contained within. I've been pleased with it as it covers our major compliance needs without having to pull from separate sources. We're in the process of reviewing and vetting the product to use more broadly within our organization.
It made it much easier to deploy and manage the training. We are always looking for ways to reduce the number of products we need to maintain our compliance along with our security training. The closer we come to a single pane of glass the better we are able to manage our systems.
I do, there are problems with adoption for most new products but with this we've liked what we have seen and they've made it easier for us to champion their product to those that are more resistant to change. The finical aspect is one of the smaller worries when it comes to this product.
The products we've used as comparison's to knowbe4 have came as added value not additional cost for our organization.
KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training New Features
They've done a good job with their integrations and smart groups to make managing our users in KB4. Setup took a bit to get it configured correctly but once it was in place we have not had to touch it. It just works for what we need it to do.
We have not found much value in this so far. They do a good job on the level of content and the ability to assign it but we have not had a great use case so far for the personalized AI driven training. Our focus has been more on creating a good baseline rather than expannding our user's technical knowledge thus far.
We have not implemented it.
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