Easy to Use and Improves Efficiency
March 03, 2022

Easy to Use and Improves Efficiency

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Planview Projectplace

It was being used by the design department for everyday work. Their projects were being done slowly, so they hired a project manager, who preferred to use Planview Projectplace. We have been supporting the product and assigning licenses. Only English is the language for the software, and it is being used only in one location.

The main problem it has been addressing is the communication between team members and work prioritization. Instead of the work being sent to them by email, they are now planning the most important tasks ahead.


  • Demand management
  • Reporting
  • Security
  • User management


  • Reporting
  • Integrations (with Salesforce)
  • Program/portfolio management
  • Ticketing
  • Fewer complaints
  • Quicker turnaround time
  • Project collaboration
  • Work prioritization
  • Time distribution

Do you think Planview ProjectPlace delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Planview ProjectPlace's feature set?


Did Planview ProjectPlace live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Planview ProjectPlace go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Planview ProjectPlace again?


I haven't needed to get in touch with support because the product is quite well structured and understandable. There were no issues initially when making payments or later for monthly payments. The project manager using the software is quite skilled in the software and has not needed much help. New licenses are easy to acquire, and there is no delay in getting them. I know there are several ways of support available, so that's a plus.
It is being actively used, and as far as I know, it was managing ten projects at the same time successfully. Boards are helpful for communication about particular tasks, and prioritization allows flexibility when it comes to actually accomplishing them. Web-based functionality also makes it significantly easier to manage from an admin perspective, whereas for other products, we'd see new versions being loaded. Data is secure in the software, and closing the project seems to be easier.
It offers a simpler alternative that's easier to manage by the less tech-savvy people. I also think that Planview Projectplace has managed to keep the product updated compared to other project management tools. Miro is perhaps the one that comes to mind, but while evaluating, we saw fewer issues with Planview Projectplace. Overall, the decision came down to the project manager, that had previous experience and recommended the product.

For me, using a product from a smaller company is better because I know that there will be a focus on improving it, unlike, for example, Microsoft products that can be discontinued at any moment.
It is best suited for smaller teams that want to organize their work into projects. I now realize why the new project manager for the team chose this software over others. It allows for collaboration and work prioritization. Time management has improved significantly, and its UI is quite easy to understand for the users that don't spend a lot of time on software. Training new users in the team is also quite easy, and it gets coworkers out of their emails to focus on projects.

For teams that need to deliver projects urgently because of current events, the software works especially well. It allows concentration on a specific topic as well as teamwork, where many different individuals need to contribute in a short period of time.

Planview ProjectPlace Feature Ratings

Task Management
Resource Management
Gantt Charts
Team Collaboration
Support for Agile Methodology
Support for Waterfall Methodology
Document Management
Email integration
Not Rated
Mobile Access
Not Rated
Timesheet Tracking

Evaluating Planview Projectplace and Competitors

  • Product Reputation
  • Prior Experience with the Product
Prior experience was the most important for the decision because the project manager had used the product before. However, it also lined up well against the alternatives we had been considering. Overall, the project manager felt that Planview Projectplace would be the right tool for the team to get back on track with their efficiency, and it has worked out as expected.
If it were up to me to decide, I'd ask for demos of the products. For this software, we did not really need the training for the team, as the learning curve was quite quick. However, I'd consider we were lucky with regards to this, and I'd rather receive a full demo and training promise from the vendor.

Planview Projectplace Support

No, because we never felt like we needed it. The team was confident in the use of software, and all we really need to reach out to the company is the additional licenses.
No, I have not had a lot of interaction with the support.


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