Webtrends - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Overall Satisfaction with Webtrends Analytics
Webtrends is used on a department by department basis. In most cases, the requirement is simply to gauge the effectiveness of the web site by measuring the number of visitors visiting the web site, and comparing usage month over month. Some of the newer implementations use Smart Tags rather than log files, and drill down deeper into how the web site is being used.
- In terms of simple web site usage, Webtrends is excellent at showing increasing or decreasing usage month over month.
- Webtrends is very good at showing what pages of the web site are getting the most usage, what are the most successful downloads
- Webtrends is also very good at showing the geographic location of the clients. It is pretty good at showing what organizations the clients belong to as well.
- For Webtrends on Premises, Memory usage is a big problem. And even powerful servers with copious amounts of physical memory - does not help for Webtrends
- There doesn't seem to be an upgrade path for Webtrends on Premises. It is stuck at version 9.2b, and there are currently no plans to upgrade. Companies that want the latest features must instead use the hosted version, Webtrends on Demand. Companies may save on salaries, but they will need to pay Webtrends lots of money, if they are big users of the software.
- Webtrends for SharePoint requires a Professional Services contract to do properly - Webtrends does not share the documentation. Some of the other add-ons have the same, or similar, issue.
- Increased Web Site effectiveness, for both internal employee websites, as well as external customer facing web sites.
Have not use Webtrends competitors
Webtrends Analytics Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed No escalation required Immediate help available Support understands my problem Support cares about my success Quick Initial Response | None |
No - Webtrends has trouble competing within the corporation for resources, and the company did not feel that Webtrends is important enough to pay for 7 X 24 coverage.
When we migrated from Webtrends 7.5 to Webtrends 8.7d, we were able to do it ourselves because the Support Team provided us with the information that we needed in order to make the necessary changes to the SQL Server Database. Without that, we would have had to use their Professional Services team.
Using Webtrends Analytics
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | None |
- Creating a new Data Source
- Creating a new Report Profile
- Creating a new Smart Data Tag Data Source
- Assigning custom roles / permissions to Webtrends resources
- Drilling down to see what a particular visitor has done.
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