Choose Xactly
June 18, 2019

Choose Xactly

Andrew Lin | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Xactly Incent

Xactly has great out of the box functionality that covers almost all business needs. The interface is somewhat intuitive and easy to navigate -- after minimal training, admins should be on their way to becoming power users in short time. The structured nature of all objects in Xactly help experienced admins understand any comp environment that uses Xactly very quickly. Sales reps gain good visibility into their sales plans and commissions, while also easily navigating the reports with minimal training.


  • Automation: get rid of inefficient manual processes
  • Accuracy: reduce shadow accounting
  • Reporting: gather insights now easily accessible in your Xactly database


  • Flexibility: limited in customizing features for more complex requirements
  • Analytics UI is not a great experience
  • Reduced shadow accounting
  • Increased accuracy
  • Created more efficient processes
Xactly is able to handle all of our business needs. They have a great community of users where Xactly is involved and listening. The support is great and less effort needed in being fully self sustainable with Xactly at your company.
  • Xactly Incent
  • Xactly Connect
Xactly is well suited for any sized business with any amount of sales reps. Many of Xactly's features are more standardized and out of the box: for the most complex compensation models, Xactly may not always have the best solution.


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