Apple iCloud is a document management software offering from Apple. It includes features such as access to music, photos, calendars, contacts, and documents, and it is built into every new iOS device.
per month
IDrive Online Backup and Object Storage e2
Score 9.1 out of 10
IDrive allows users to back up an unlimited number of devices into one account, including PCs, Macs, mobile devices, and servers. IDrive offers backup plans for consumers, small businesses, and enterprises of any size. IDrive offers many different plans for cloud or on-site backup including:
-IDrive Personal
-IDrive Team
-IDrive Small Business -IDrive Google Workspace and Office 365 backup -IDrive e2 Object Storage
-IDrive Enterprise
-IDrive360 EndPoint …
per year One user, unlimited computers 5TB storage
Apple iCloud
IDrive Online Backup and Object Storage e2
Editions & Modules
per month
per month
per month
IDrive Cloud to Cloud Backup
per year per seat
IDrive 360 EndPoint
per year 1 Device
IDrive e2
per year per 1TB
per year 1 user
IDrive Team
per year
IDrive Business
per year
Pricing Offerings
Apple iCloud
IDrive Online Backup and Object Storage e2
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup Fee
No setup fee
No setup fee
Additional Details
IDrive regularly offers first year discounts for all plans and offers a full-featured 30-day free trial for IDrive 360 Endpoint
In our opinion, this topic clearly shows the supplier's focus on a narrower sector than the competitors I mentioned earlier. In addition, especially as the disk space requirement increases, the price becomes too high for some of the competitors. In addition, especially as the …
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Chose IDrive Online Backup and Object Storage e2
Cheaper, easier GUI. Gets the job done. Like a server, "set it aforget it"Has good storage capacity. Cust service is helpfull but sometimes not real clear. Am using Degoo cloud which is a browser tuned backup. i-Drive way better in all aspects except backup capacity for which …
IDrive is the most cost-effective backup solution out there. All the other big name providers like Apple, Google, Amazon and Microsoft, charge over 5 times more for way less storage than IDrive provides. IDrive also syncs just as seamlessly with my Synology as those other …
Those other products save my files as I use them, but they overwrite old files in real time. With Dropbox, if I want to save files that aren't overwritten, I have to upload files online, which is time consuming. They aren't saved per date unless I physically set it up that way.