UK company Lead Forensics offers their eponymous platform for lead generation and web analytics.
Matomo Analytics
Score 8.7 out of 10
Piwik is an open source analytics platform that enables users to measure web and mobile apps as well as intranet portals. It protects the privacy of users through advanced privacy features and its approach to data ownership. Piwik offers On-premises and Cloud deployment options.
Available in over 50 languages, it is fully customisable and vendor-independent. Piwik offers over 70 integrations with Content Management Systems, Ecommerce solutions, Forums as well as other mobile and web platforms.…
Lead Forensics
Matomo Analytics
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Lead Forensics
Matomo Analytics
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On-premise Edition is free to download and install on one's own servers.
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Lead Forensics
Matomo Analytics
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Chose Lead Forensics
Back in 2013, we used to run Marketo and a big appeal of it was its IP inference ability. In my opinion, Lead Forensics is a more "complete" product, love the ability that I can drop it in multiple websites and not having an increase in cost, love the granularity of the reports …
If you want to understand if the things you're doing in the market place are improving your audience reach, then Lead Forensics is a great tool. It's all very well to network, email, win awards and so on, but you will want to address any inconsistency in how effective outreach activities are. Lead Forensics is great for this.
If you want to balance data-driven marketing and a privacy-minded approach to analytics, Matomo Analytics is for you. It's easy to be compliant with GDPR and other regulations while still having detailed (anonymized) analytics that help inform what content is resonating vs what content is not resonating. And of course you also get all of the rich referral, campaign, and goal conversion data to help you optimize your marketing.
One of Piwik's strengths is the provision of customizable widgets for different bits of analytics data. The ability to add and remove them, change dates and more makes this a flexible way to visualize data.
The visitor log section is also rich, providing date, keywords, actions and more in a single table, which makes it easy to identify your most effective content.
And the visitor actions table includes both bounce rate and time on site, so you can quickly tell which pages have the most engagement.
Data display is a strength for Piwik, as you have access to overview charts while simultaneously being able to drill deeper.
The menu could be improved, maybe by giving the chance of a "basic" and an "expert" menu.
The instructions are good and exhaustive but they might be improved.
The most difficult part of Lead Forensics is how some colleagues will use it and - should they not understand - they won't. There should be a way to interest even the less technological colleagues that this tool is for their best.
From a user security standpoint it would be useful to provide users the ability to have two-factor authentication. While stats data is not necessarily sensitive in aggregate, some users may feel that certain portions need to be more secure.
It would be nice if there was a tighter integration with the Google search/referrer API so that "keyword not defined" would be replaced more often with the actual keyword that is being used to send a visitor to a site.
An easier branding method, maybe in the form of an API function set, that pulled branding URLs from a set of database fields would be great as well.
At this point, there is not a single conceivable reason as to why we would not renew and continue to use Piwik Analytics. Especially since it is a free program and open source. The product will only get better over time as more people look into it and donate to cause so that development can continue.
Lead Forensics is really easy to use. [...], our account manager, also has a hands on approach to ensure we are getting the best out of it. We have regular meetings at no extra costs where he will give us tips and help if we need it. The default interface however is very simple and is customisable which means it can be made even more simple!
Piwik succeeds in presenting me (and my associates and my clients...) large amounts of data in a user friendly way. The interface and functionality can easily be customized. While some enhancements do need technical background (API calls by programming language from the webserver or javascript), others are easy to use (goal / event tracking)
[Their] support is great, [whether] you call or send in an email. They are always friendly and willing to help. Anytime I can’t figure something out and need to reach out, I always get a response back quick[ly] - and they will always offer to go in and make the change, but I like when they show me so I can do it next time.
The best thing about the Matomo support is that they have a forum which basically you can find the answer to almost all of your questions and most of the time you don't need to contact them regarding your questions and problems but if you need help they will answer in a reasonable time slots.
Lead Forensics is the best as far as I can tell, but choices that are a fraction of the cost come pretty close. Some places like ThomasNet even throw this functionality in for free now. I guess it's a question of if you view this type of intelligence as a luxury or essential.
We have used Google Analytics before for one of our online tools and we switched to Matomo for the other web applications we have. We did that because Matomo is free but mostly since we wanted us to own the data on these sensitive apps and not share it with third parties. Since we have the data locally, we can now apply machine learning techniques to improve the systems even more.
By using Piwik, we can better identify keywords used to search for the website and by targeting those keywords on search engine advertising (Google, Bing, Yahoo), it helps with conversion and also saves us money by cutting down guess work.
By using Piwik graphs, it helps to save our employees time in creating pie charts and bar charts to present to upper management.
Since Piwik is free to use, there is no reason not to implement it. Most likely, with your website, you will already have access to SQL and hosting package. There is minimal cost to implementing Piwik.