Abila - Great FInancial Software for medium to large non profits
Overall Satisfaction with Abila MIP Fund Accounting
MIP Fund Accounting is utilized for all our electronic accounting needs - general ledger, payroll, and reports to board and management.
- Ability to produce reports to management and funding agencies
- The audit trails are fantastic
- User Friendly
- Ease in navigating through modules
- Ability to exclude inactive, discontinued, terminated, etc., vendor and payroll accounts when looking up accounts
- "Select All" option when transferring from payroll to general ledger
- Expanding fields available for filtering when generating reports in payroll
- Clean CPA audits
- Excellent financial reviews from funders
- Creation of reports required by potential sources of funds results in increased funding
We have funding sources that require that we breakdown funding from them by titles. The ability to structure the chart of accounts to make this possible is available thru MIP and has proven to be invaluable. For example we receive funds from the state unit on aging - Older Americans Act funding; state funding, department of labor funding, etc. The Older Americans Act funding is broken down by Title i.e., IIIB, IIIC,IIID,IIE. The state unit requires that we track and report out on all of these separately. Structuring of the chart account makes this possible.
Before MIP I used a system designed for a "for profit" company. We had much difficulty adapting it to the level of detail we must report out to funders. Doing the IRS 990 was a major headache. When we started to search for non-profit software MIP Fund Accounting stood heads above the others offering similar software.
MIP Fund Accounting Feature Ratings
Using Abila MIP Fund Accounting
1 - The support person has been using MIP Funding Accounting since 2002. That person was trained by a MIP business partner and has attended MIP annual training sessions.
- Payroll
- Reporting
- Financial Management
- Create reports to drop directly into our annual report
- Provide all necessary schedules to do annual 990
- Preparing annual audited financial statement worksheets
- human resources
- benefit tracking
3 - Accounting
Human Resources
Human Resources
Evaluating Abila MIP and Competitors
Yes - Dos based system back in 2002- do not remember the name
- Price
- Product Usability
- Product Reputation
- Third-party Reviews
Usability was most important because of the monthly reporting requirements of the agency. Price - because the limited budget of a non profit.
Do not believe I would change.
Abila MIP Implementation
- Professional services company
The name has changed since 2002. It's now Kerr Consulting - a business partner of MIP. The professional assigned to the agency - Ronnie Hopkins has been our "go to " person since 2002.
Yes - We started with the basic - general ledger and payroll and eventually moved to the EFT module, HR Module and EWS module.
Change management was minimal
- Employee attitude to change
- purchasing necessary hardware to meet specifications
- cost
Abila MIP Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed No escalation required Support understands my problem Support cares about my success | None |
No - Cannot afford premium support. Would rather apply budget to training staff and relying of support as a backup.
It was before they perfected upgrades. I was having a SQL Server issue. I allowed the tech support person to control my computer and my issues were resolved. I thought I would be late running payroll, which caused much anxiety for me. I was amazed at how quickly the issue could be resolved.
Using Abila MIP
- Data Input
- Reporting
- Electronic Fund Transfer
- Using budget worksheet
- Selecting items when transferring payroll to general ledger
- Correcting payroll distribution errors
Yes, but I don't use it
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Quick to learn Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | Requires technical support |
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