4 years of using Deputy, we're extremely please in the flexibility it offers to our rostering space.
November 20, 2021
4 years of using Deputy, we're extremely please in the flexibility it offers to our rostering space.

Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Deputy
We manage our rostering over two legs of the same department to 60-70 employees. We have about 6 people managing rosters but we don't use the timesheet function at all. Before Deputy, many of our departments were using spreadsheet-style rosters, the implementation of deputy has allowed much for freedom and communication with our employees in the rostering space.
- Rostering
- Managing unavailability's
- Confirming shift availabilities
- Inability for staff to drop shifts after accepting them.
- Notification of shift cancelations to staff.
- Timesheet approval still comes up when you don't have that module and you can't access it. Just stays in the dashboard.
- Calendar Sync to phone is a bit more flaky than it used to be.
- The open shift option has given casual staff a better opportunity to work.
- We've found it to be fairly pricey when you have a large workforce and not many are working over certain times.
- We couldn't integrate into our payroll, but we would have liked to have the functionality.
We also tried Enta, RosterMe, Find my Shift .. we found Deputy to be cleaner and seemed to have a stronger Australian presence. We also liked that it was new to the space and we were promised we'd have strong input into future development by suggestions and indicating where it didn't meet our business needs. I would say that hasn't happened as much as it was promised, we hope to be able to contribute more to the development of Deputy and we scale our business unit next year.
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