HubSpot is the bees knees! I swear by this software.
Updated February 21, 2016

HubSpot is the bees knees! I swear by this software.

Kate Beebe | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • Email
  • Blog
  • Landing Pages
  • CTA's
  • Lists
  • Forms
  • Reporting
  • Social Tools
  • Basically all of them

Overall Satisfaction with HubSpot

HubSpot is at the center of our marketing department. We love inbound marketing and learned how to implement inbound marketing from HubSpot. We use all of HubSpot's tools for content creation, organizing campaigns, and measuring efforts. We send email campaigns, keep track of client activity and interest level, publish and track social messages, and keep up with blog publishing. We house all our downloadable content on landing pages and use forms to gate those downloads. Just about anything we need for marketing can be done within HubSpot. It easily integrates with our CRM tool, and that's a bonus! I would love to have our sales team on the HubSpot CRM tool, but that's not my call. All in all, my team lives in HubSpot on a daily basis.

Our Sales Development team now lives in the CRM tool! We are so excited to have added Sidekick for Business, which allows our Sales team to utilize sequences for client nurturing. We also added a Netsuite integration. While HubSpot is the center of our marketing world, we are now able to sync it with our data center. On top of all of that, we just added the Website Add-on, and our new website is AWESOME. I am more than thrilled with HubSpot. It is here to stay.


  • HubSpot is constantly updating their capabilities. They listen to their users. The other day, I mentioned it would be nice to have a dependent form feature. The update that came out just a few days earlier was that exact feature!! I love the constant improvements.
  • Along with a great set of tools is a great team of support. The HubSpot support team is highly educated and excels at problem solving. Plus, they're really nice! If that particular person doesn't know the answer, believe me when I say they'll find the answer or point you to someone who knows next steps.
  • I've harped enough on the tools, so it really comes down to the interaction with HubSpot's people. Along with the Engineering team making constant updates and the support team supplying problem solving skills, I can honestly say I have the BEST account manager that works at HubSpot. He is helpful with all my questions, no matter how trivial they are. With each person I'm put in contact with, I have a great experience. They really care about me as an individual and our company as a whole. My account manager gives me great references to relevant topics and solutions specific to my company's needs.


  • You get the occasional lag. I blame part of this problem on our internet here at the office. Spotify bogs it down, sometimes making it difficult to proceed to the next screen. I found a workaround. If you hit "Save and Publish," and the sprocket hangs out on your screen for a while, just hit the save button again. It should fix it.
  • I submitted a request for this one. The tracking url area is a little lacking. I'd like to be able to edit the description of the urls and even change the Campaign if there was a mistake. You're unable to do that now, but I have a feeling they will release something that improves this particular area soon.
  • We get crazy amounts of leads. Offering downloadable content allows us to capture names and emails as prospective clients are interacting with what we produce. My team never had that capability before HubSpot.
  • We are able to nurture our leads easily. Sure, it takes a little while to set it up, but once the email followups are put in place, we are able to sit back and focus on other priorities while workflows nurture our leads. It's really exciting to see the interaction with those emails and change them as needed.
  • We launched our website Monday - today is Friday. Since then, we have already seen triple the leads come in (and good quality ones!!) from the restructure. The website add-on was one of the best decisions in my career to date.
HubSpot is all encompassing with an amazing user interface. It's as simple as that.
We use so many tools that HubSpot has to offer. Before HubSpot, we were using an email provider with a separate service for landing pages. Not cool. Too many things were disconnected by too many different logins, and we couldn't keep track. HubSpot is not only a timesaver, but it keeps getting better and better as the years go by. I can't believe how much they invest in making their tools more customized for their users – and all from the customer's perspective. I have never had so much faith in a software, so much love for a company, and so much excitement for future releases. HubSpot is indeed all encompassing, and it's only going to get better and better. They are a trailblazer, and I look forward to seeing their future innovations!!
What are you using it for? If it's only for a few things, I say no. If you want to develop an entire marketing strategy, which I highly recommend, I say YES. HubSpot is great for startups like us, and I could see this software last us a very long time. I really don't think we'll ever outgrow it. Like I said, if you just want email, go with an email provider. If you want the whole experience, HubSpot is worth every. single. penny.
Update: If you aren't going to spend a lot of time familiarizing yourself with the software, I say no. There is a certain level of dedication that determines how well HubSpot will work for you. If you don't invest time into learning this thing, it won't be worth your money. BUT if you decide to take the time to learn it, you will be absolutely blown away. I recommend fully utilizing their support team and academy. Like I said before, if you aren't going to invest the time and understand that you will need to continue to learn as the software evolves, this probably isn't something you will enjoy keeping up with. All that said, it is TOTALLY worth keeping up with and learning. You will not only become a better marketer, but your company will benefit greatly.

HubSpot Marketing Hub Feature Ratings

WYSIWYG email editor
Dynamic content
Ability to test dynamic content
Landing pages
A/B testing
Mobile optimization
Email deliverability reporting
List management
Triggered drip sequences
Lead nurturing automation
Lead scoring and grading
Data quality management
Automated sales alerts and tasks
Event/webinar marketing
Not Rated
Social sharing and campaigns
Social profile integration
Standard reports
Custom reports
Role-based workflow & approvals
Integration with

Using HubSpot

It's very intuitive. Once you put in the time to learn how to use it, you're going to fall in love. It's so great and ever-evolving, so make sure you stay up-to-date with their improvements and launches!
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Feel confident using


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