How ServiceNow fits our ITSM needs
March 11, 2020

How ServiceNow fits our ITSM needs

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with ServiceNow

ServiceNow is our incident, change and problem management tool. It also serves many other functions throughout the organization and it utilized by the entire company. The knowledge repositories for documenting procedural information is heavily used as well as a catalog for users to request specific services from IT and or business teams.


  • Easy to use and straightforward with options that fit just about every department.
  • API easily accepts SOAP requests for automatic ticket generation and integration into other applications.
  • Dashboards and a built in visual task board similar to a Kanban board are nice features.


  • Unable to create robust service offerings for end users in the catalog. The current process works fine for our needs but have to tailor certain offerings based on limitations of the product.
  • Certain aspects are clunky and hard to correctly setup. For example, oncall calendars and scheduling require the user to define several components which are not intuitive and don't seem to follow a logical flow.
  • With the ability to interface with the product thru their API, we have automated incident creation for several applications as well as automation of Adhoc task creation. This alleviates the need for manual creation which used to happen in the past.
  • With the Knowledge Repository, many articles have been written to help end users solve problems without having to call the Help Desk.
Have not used any other product for ITSM.
I have not used ServiceNow support directly, however it appears the company sticks to a steady release plan for new versions and updates.

Do you think ServiceNow IT Service Management delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with ServiceNow IT Service Management's feature set?


Did ServiceNow IT Service Management live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of ServiceNow IT Service Management go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy ServiceNow IT Service Management again?


ServiceNow can facilitate an organization's needs for a robust incident and change management tool. It also has a wide array of other features that can be tailored to the company or down to the individual. ServiceNow also provides capabilites for event management, such as a trigger that would perform a restart of a service on a server for example.

ServiceNow IT Service Management Feature Ratings

Organize and prioritize service tickets
Expert directory
Service restoration
Self-service tools
Subscription-based notifications
ITSM collaboration and documentation
ITSM reports and dashboards
Configuration mangement
Asset management dashboard
Policy and contract enforcement
Change requests repository
Change calendar
Service-level management


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