Blackbaud NetCommunity vs. Blackbaud Online Express

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Blackbaud NetCommunity
Score 4.9 out of 10
The Blackbaud NetCommunity online alumni management system helps users to gain a deeper understanding of alumni relationships, execute multichannel engagement strategies, and eliminate tedious back-office tasks. Blackbaud NetCommunity provides tools to engage alumni and supporters, wherever they may be, helping users: Connect in person and create memorable alumni engagement events with online alumni management system tools to help foster a personal connection between alumni…N/A
Blackbaud Online Express
Score 8.2 out of 10
With Blackbaud Online Express' online fundraising & donation software, users can create unlimited donation forms and send and track email communications. Plus, this simple, smart, cloud-based tool is integrated with the Fundraising and CRM solution, Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT®. Blackbaud Online Express enables users to create and send mobile-responsive emails. Reach constituents quickly with pre-designed, mobile-friendly email templates created specifically for…N/A
Blackbaud NetCommunityBlackbaud Online Express
Editions & Modules
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Pricing Offerings
Blackbaud NetCommunityBlackbaud Online Express
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Blackbaud NetCommunityBlackbaud Online Express
Considered Both Products
Blackbaud NetCommunity
Chose Blackbaud NetCommunity
We started out with Blackbaud NetCommunity but eventually switched to Blackbaud's Online Express. Online Express offered more features and was included with the upgrade to Blackbaud's Raiser's Edge NXT. Blackbaud NetCommunity did meet most of our needs and was a great …
Chose Blackbaud NetCommunity
Blackbaud Netcommunity was selected because it integrates fully with Raiser's Edge. i-Modules and MailChimp are more flexible in terms of design and they have better analytics, but they do not integrate.
Chose Blackbaud NetCommunity
We utilize multiple Blackbaud products including Raiser's, target analytics, NXT, NetCommunity, TeamRaiser so this allows us to have a cohesive package with all solutions that integrate. NetCommunity is a lot more expensive however it's worth it if you are looking to have one …
Blackbaud Online Express
Chose Blackbaud Online Express
Blackbaud's Online Express is MUCH easier to use than NetCommunity. Having the ability to "drop" donation forms directly into our existing website is a big improvement over NetCommunity's web pages. Only wish Online Express offered the ability to track constituents sign up …
Top Pros
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Best Alternatives
Blackbaud NetCommunityBlackbaud Online Express
Small Businesses
Score 9.2 out of 10
Score 9.2 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 9.2 out of 10
Score 9.2 out of 10
Blackbaud CRM
Blackbaud CRM
Score 7.3 out of 10
Blackbaud CRM
Blackbaud CRM
Score 7.3 out of 10
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User Ratings
Blackbaud NetCommunityBlackbaud Online Express
Likelihood to Recommend
(23 ratings)
(13 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(5 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Support Rating
(4 ratings)
(5 ratings)
In-Person Training
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Implementation Rating
(3 ratings)
(0 ratings)
User Testimonials
Blackbaud NetCommunityBlackbaud Online Express
Likelihood to Recommend
For those using the events module, NetCommunity is great, though if you do a lot of walk/run type of events where individuals sponsor other individuals, something like TeamRaiser might make more sense. If you don't have the staff resources for web developers dedicated to fundraising tasks, then NetCommunity is a great tool. It's not as customisable as an experienced programmer/developer might want, but it still has a lot of options. It also has a lot of nuance, and if you cannot make an investment of time or money into getting staff trained, it's not going to work out well.
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For 100% tax-deductible donations, I 9.5/10 recommend Blackbaud Online Express. The only thing is that it does not charge debit cards automatically, so I have to do it myself. Using Blackbaud Online Express forms for events gets more complicated. The way events work in Raiser's Edge in general is already complicated, so maybe it's more on Raiser's Edge than it is Blackbaud Online Express.
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  • Data integration with The Raiser's Edge - data which is collected in Blackbaud NetCommunity directly integrates with The Raiser's Edge interface and can be seamlessly downloaded into the CRM.
  • Donation/Event/Membership registration - the product comes with out-of-the-box forms that can be used for these basic functions. They are flexible, but structured enough to integrate the data back to the CRM.
  • Email marketing - constituents can be emailed directly from the Blackbaud NetCommunity platform by querying the data available in the CRM. Targeted email communications can be setup as well as ongoing subscriptions/newsetters.
  • Content management - general tools to manage content are available. Business users can add/modify/delete this content without tremendous technical expertise. The content can also be shared across multiple websites - or A/B split tested to determine preference.
  • Friendly URLs - the product allows for friendly URLs that are also more searchable on the major search engines (i.e. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.).
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  • Online donation forms are easy to create and place within our existing website. The donations received are easily transferred into our Raiser's Edge database.
  • Creating email communications for our constituents is very simple to achieve in Online Express and the statistics provided are very helpful to see what our constituents are clicking on.
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  • When we have carding attacks on our payment gateway it is always a struggle to get all the players to work together and determine how to get us back up and running. ReCAPTCHA at the highest level is not supported, for example.
  • From experience, the product has not been stable in the last couple years and all signs have been pointing towards a sunsetting of this product for years.
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  • It does have some "quirks." It can be a little tricky to process the batch until you have done it a few times.
  • I had a problem finding a constituent yesterday - he was purchasing a program ad for an event - that I knew was in the database. It turned out that he had been marked inactive, and so apparently wasn't included in the search results.
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Likelihood to Renew
The only reason for this is due to the fact that we are only using the product for a specific purpose that is not directly tied to the newsletters. There are better products out there for what we are doing with grant processing. We will most likely move to a new software instead of renewing for our purposes
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The interface with Raiser's Edge and the many different ways our users can interact with the website are a big plus for us. Event registrations are our most popular transaction type and having this on line makes our lives much easier.
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Reliability and Availability
Product is stable is up 99.99% of the time. As a hosted customer, we do experience some minor downtime when routers or switches malfunction. We feel the downtime has been minimal and the communications around these outages has been good.
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Blackbaud NetCommunity uses .NET technology. It can be sluggish at times if not optimized, but overall we have been pleased with the performance when handling large volumes of traffic.
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Support Rating
Blackbaud NetCommunity and all of the Blackbaud products have a great support system. Blackbaud NetCommunity offers support through phone calls, chats, online, and email. Their response time is very quick and the support analysts work with you to resolve issues in a very timely matter. If they do not personally know the answer they will direct you to another support analyst that will be able to assist in a resolution.
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Customer service for all of Blackbaud's products has really lacked over the years. They are starting to get better in the last year but it can very frustrating. The online knowledge base community is the best resource for information. At times it can take hours for a customer sect even rep to help with questions or problems which is not at all ideal in this industry.
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In-Person Training
As expected. Courseware was a nice reference guide.
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Implementation Rating
I truly wish that "0" was an option. I never really pin-pointed whether the implementation issues that we had were caused by Blackbaud, or if it was part of a larger issue that began in-house.
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Alternatives Considered
We tried to use this for a while and actually had different groups set up to begin implementing the interface into our computer but for some reason, we could not get a handle on it. iMIS ended up winning out in the long run because it was easier for people of all generations to use and understand. People just preferred the layout and the usability so ultimately it was kept as our main system.
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Blackbaud Online Express is mainly used strictly because of its integration with Raiser's Edge. If a client uses Salesforce for constituent/lead management, other products can offer more flexibility in designing donation forms, email templates, etc. However, they all have their own negatives in Salesforce integration -- that is a whole other can of worms. While the Raiser's Edge integration of Online Express isn't perfect, it is relatively painless compared to the competition's Salesforce integration. Also, for NFP's, Blackbaud's NFP focused business model is a plus.
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Return on Investment
  • We were able to purchase a package integrating all types of Blackbaud products which integrate.
  • We are able to update our desktop, mobile donation pages which allow us to take donations while having great support available at all times.
  • The donation forms and email tools are not very visually appealing and user-friendly so this makes it difficult to implement and in return donors don't have a user-friendly experience.
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  • Regardless of project or initiative, all fund-raising efforts are managed in one place for the entire organization.
  • Donor management is concise, thorough, and systematic - no individual or organization is overlooked.
  • Snapshot reporting of successful grant applications and fund-raising are readily available.
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