SEOTesting,com is an online SEO research tool, that enables users to run a variety of tests, and which offers a variety of features:
- SEO split tests - Setup a control group and test group of urls so you can SEO split test the results over the same time period.
- Time based SEO tests - Create a simple SEO test that compares weeks before the change, to weeks after.
- Test historically - Test start dates can be back dated so tests can be run on historical data.
- Content Groups - Track the performance of a group of urls. For agencies that work on separate pages across a large site, or when optimizing topic clusters.
- Group SEO Tests - Run time based SEO tests on a group of urls or queries.
- Page and Query Details View - Dig into the data behind each url and query. Optimize content by including queries a page appears for.
- Search intent highlighting - All query based reports highlight informational, commercial and transactional search intent keywords.
- Algorithm updates - Annotated Google algorithm updates are on site, page and query graphs to help see the impact.
- Custom annotations - Add custom annotations to Google Search Console data through SEOTesting to remember key events that impacted traffic.
- Long tail keyword reports - Reports to uncover long tail keyword opportunities for your sites.
- CTR opportunities - Uncover queries that have a low CTR. Work on titles and meta descriptions to get more clicks. Click here to learn more about improving your organic click through rate.
- New keywords report - Check the New Keywords report to find out what your site has just started ranking for. Get lots of new keyword ideas.
- Top queries missing - Find out which pages do not have their top queries in page titles and meta descriptions. Easy fixes bring more clicks.
- Page content optimization - Continually optimize and improve page content by reviewing queries it is ranking for. Create new sections and headings based on data from Search Console.
- Rank tracking - Rank track keyword positions using Google Search Console data.
- Thin content report - Test 1,000s of urls in a sitemap.xml to uncover thin and low quality content.
- Cannibalization - Find keyword cannibalization issues across your site where pages fight for the same ranking.
- Winners and losers - Get 7 day snapshots of which keywords and pages have had the best and worst gains.
- Questions report - Find out which questions people are searching, that your site appears in Google for. This includes 'People also ask suggestions'.
- Striking distance keywords - Use the striking distance keywords report to show high value keywords just on page 2 or 3. Get them on page 1 for a nice CTR improvement.
- Daily email - Get a daily alert each time Search Console updates with key metrics listed in it.
- Filtered dashboards for each site - Add dashboards filtered by country, brand filters etc. All site reports then based on those filters.
- Quick links for content research - One click links to check searchers intent in Google, and for content ideas in Reddit and Quora.