Ideal for Head Start with Multiple funding streams
Updated January 08, 2018

Ideal for Head Start with Multiple funding streams

Lorrie Ogden | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • accounting, encumbrances, budgeting

Overall Satisfaction with Abila MIP Fund Accounting

It is used by the finance and accounting department. Our reports are shared with the entire organization - particularly the Board of Directors and Policy Council.

We are a multi-funded small non profit ($8million) and it definitely makes accounting easier with a package than can cost allocate multiple streams of funding.


  • Multiple funding stream cost allocations
  • Ease of setting up customized reports
  • Relatively easy to learn


  • Encumbrance package is a bit more confusing
  • Personalization of reports is sometimes limited
  • Local training is limited
  • Employee efficiency
  • Better reporting
  • Encumbrance model caused alot of unnecessary problems
Our MAS 90 was old and no longer supported. The report writer was horrible.
MIP Fund Accounting is great for multi stream funded non profits.

MIP Fund Accounting Feature Ratings

Using Abila MIP Fund Accounting

We have no in-house support - use a private consultant (CPA) when needed.
  • Minimal support needed
  • Ease of use
  • Multiple funding sources
  • Ease of developing reports
  • Combined funding report
  • Better use of encumbrances
It was a big investment and big change for the organization. We will stick with it as it serves our needs well.
3 - accounting, accounts receivable, accounts payable, reporting, budget management

Evaluating Abila MIP and Competitors

  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
familiarity with non profit funding - multiple streams of funding sources. ability to segregagte and mix funds.
We are pleased with our selection and vendor selection for install and training.

Abila MIP Implementation

Hire a good company for implementation that is willing to help staff at a moments notice. Must have ability to remote access.
  • Professional services company
Wessell Consulting, Inc. - MIP reseller
Yes - 

1. review of existing software

2.. transfer of date to "trial company"

3. training of staff

4. Go LIVE

5. follow up support during implementation

Change management was a small part of the implementation and was well-handled - We had very little p[roblems with implementation. ran quite smooth.
  • no significant issues. We were well prepared. Wessell Consulting did excellent job.

Abila MIP Support

Wessell Consulting, Inc. has provided terrific support as an MIP Fund Accounting reseller. Trained CPA's assist with installation and trouble shooting, training, etc. Very quick response.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Problems left unsolved
Yes - We pay a third party vendor for support as needed. Definitely well worth the additional cost!
Yes - it was fixed in the next update. was a minor bug regarding reporting.
Our third party vendor (reseller) Wessell Accounting always respons within 24 hours - usually within 1 hour! Had a serious issue with payrolla nd they "fixed" it wihin 1 hour - saving the day.

Using Abila MIP

Relatively easy to learn/use
  • Reporting
  • Cost allocation
  • Reoccuring bills
Like to use
Easy to use
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using


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