Using ADP Today
February 25, 2020

Using ADP Today

Amberly Hudson | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with ADP Workforce Now

We currently use ADP workforce now to A. Pay all of our employees (2 company codes) as well as maintain important information on our non paid employee population. We also use workforce now for benefits, HR, unemployment's and taxes. We are currently about to sign on another company code as well as implement onboarding. The entire organization uses the workforcenow platform. We currently set up administrative folks across the country as practitioners and managers to establish workflow.


  • WFN gives the availability to house personnel files to eliminate paper waste and allow for reporting on it.
  • WFN helps keep us compliant with multi-j tax issues and handles all of our tax filings.


  • WFN does not have a practitioner-to-practitioner workflow which is a constraint for the way do we business.
  • WFN document cloud reporting is clunky - Often doesn't work or takes a lot of time.
  • Has helped us go paperless and eliminate paper-stubs.
  • WFN has given employees the ability to control direct deposit change, address change, and W4 changes so that they are done in a timely manner.
We continue to grow and so far ADP has been able to keep up and help us solve complexities.
  • Concur
  • IDI
We didn't use Concur's pre-built arm to ADP as the limitations didn't work for us so we went custom report route. We tie with our 401K vendors and we use IDI for rate reduction as well as certified payroll reporting at the suggestion of ADP.
We chose Workforce Now because of our tax complexity and their ability to work with us on prevailing wage payroll.
Workforce Now new hire and termination templates allow us to host administrative staff around the country but keep the compliance at corporate where the payroll is being administered. If those went away it would redo everything we have built. Workforce Now could be more robust in regards to workflow and creating jobs that impact other managers around the company. We have a difficult time tracking turnover, terminations by job role, and role changes that are of importance to certain positions. The IT department needs to know when there are terminations etc. ADP should be able to notify a group when an appropriate term happens.

ADP Workforce Now Feature Ratings

Employee demographic data
Employment history
Job profiles and administration
Workflow for transfers, promotions, pay raises, etc.
Organizational charting
Not Rated
Organization and location management
Compliance data (COBRA, OSHA, etc.)
Not Rated
Pay calculation
Support for external payroll vendors
Benefit plan administration
Direct deposit files
Salary revision and increment management
Reimbursement management
Approval workflow
Not Rated
Balance details
Not Rated
Annual carry-forward and encashment
Not Rated
View and generate pay and benefit information
Update personal information
View company policy documentation
Employee recognition
Report builder
Pre-built reports
Ability to combine HR data with external data

Using ADP Workforce Now

35 - The platform is used by Benefits/Administrative Staff and Payroll Processing.
8 - 
  • Six payroll processors
  • Payroll manager
  • Benefits manager


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