Amazon Chime. Industry Leading Name.. Product Potential!
Overall Satisfaction with Amazon Chime
Currently, our organization is very dependant upon AWS Web Services. In this dependency, we also subscribe to enterprise support for all our web service needs. With this, we host and take part in many weekly and monthly conference calls and support meetings using Chime as required by Amazon. This conferencing solution is only used by our IT departments and PMO. The one problem this does solve for us is allowing ease of use and contact with the Amazon AWS team. Amazon Chime is not our organizational wide system, as we use Microsoft Teams and WebEx.
- The one thing Amazon Chime has going for it is it is backed by its top tier web services platform. Amazon Chime may not have the market share yet, but it has the visibility and commitment from its development teams to be a mainstay in conferencing for the foreseeable future.
- Amazon Chime offered a very easy to use interface that is friendly not only through the desktop application but the web and mobile interfaces.
- Amazon Chime offers a variety of ways to allow first-time users to join meetings. Either through standard invites and meeting ID's etc. It is easy to get new people, customers or first time/one time users involved, collaborating and contributing.
- Amazon Chime does have a feature to chat within the conference room with the audience but does not offer the function to select a specific user and private chat them. This could pose some issues when trying to ask questions to the presenter but not wanting it to be public. If this function exists, it's not easily identified.
- It would be very beneficial for Amazon Chime to be an industry leader in allowing cross-platform integration without full software downloads. It would be nice to be able to see one of these major companies allow to join through any platform such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, WebEx etc.
- Amazon Chime could afford to develop some additional plugins to allow users to quickly escalate into a conference. Such as Teams plugin or connector, Microsoft Outlook or even apple!
- Amazon Chime has a positive impact on our organization with respect to reaching out and getting supported by AWS staff and Web services technical personnel.
- Amazon Chime currently does not cost us anything as our organization is a recipient of meeting requests more so then initiators. Given this, it is nice to be able to have access to a product as no cost.
- One negative aspect to Amazon Chime, but it is not Amazon's fault is that our organization has so many options to conference as it is. Amazon Chime just dilutes the pool. Our organization is a believer in centralized IT and centralized solutions. Having another conferencing solution makes it difficult.
Amazon Chime WILL become an industry leader. Amazon is still behind WebEx and is gaining ground on Microsoft. The advantage Microsoft will have is the ability to embed in organizations through Office, and have that advantage over WebEx as well. We selected Amazon Chime as another platform because it aided in our support from the AWS Web Services Support Team.
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