PD: Still the industry leader, but with some flaws that if not addressed will allow others in the space to catch up.
November 17, 2021
PD: Still the industry leader, but with some flaws that if not addressed will allow others in the space to catch up.

Score 6 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with PagerDuty
PagerDuty is used across the operations, support, and dev organizations but is primarily used by operations. We use PagerDuty in operations for all alerting from our monitoring systems as well as coordinating service incident response. Dev/Support use PD for responding to service incidents.
- Delivers high-urgency notifications with confidence
- Easy to use web UI
- Easy to use mobile app
- Response plays is a problem - notification tones are not configurable at all.
- When multiple escalation policies are notified for the same incident, the first party to acknowledge cuts off the escalation policy and notification preferences of the other responders, leading some to claim they did not get a notification as to the reason for not showing up to a service incident.
- Positive: Reliable alerting for monitoring
- Negative: No clear path towards resolving the issue of multiple escalation policies being notified on the same incident, where one party ack's the alert and stops escalation and notification prefs for the other parties to proceed.
In terms of triggering alerts and sending initial notifications, PD lives up to its mission. As stated, the pain for us is on service incidents notifying multiple parties reliably without acks from one party affecting others.
The amount of integrations with PD is helpful and impressive. I've been able to find integrations for just about every monitoring tool I've used. The only challenge has been with Splunk, where the integration cannot close incidents on an automated basis. I worked around this by using the email integration, regexes for opening and closing an incident based on a key in the email subject, and wrote a Splunk query that's the inverse of my trigger query to get the automated outcome needed. This approach does turn the alert into a trailing indicator, but its better than nothing.
We do not use the modern incident response package. Upon the last look at it, it was cost-prohibitive for us.
The only value we've received out of analytics to date is understanding alert volume per team and responder.
My last experience with OpsGenie was the pre-Atlassian acquisition. At the time there was no SLA, which was an immediate showstopper. We had missed alerts as well with OpsGenie, so we switched to PD. I'd have to think with Atlassian owning OG now, that if we had a bake-off between PD and OG that they would be very similar.
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