Helpful insights whenever we use this tool
August 04, 2021

Helpful insights whenever we use this tool

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with UserTesting

UserTesting is used across the organization. It is used to help us finalize decisions on branding, product fit, and optimizing user experience in the mobile app. We use it to figure out who our potential customers are (demographics) and what features they would like to use in the app. We also use it for designs choices.


  • Finding a brand name that resonated with the Muslim community for a mobile app
  • Choosing a credit card design (colors, logos, etc.), particularly the color that Muslims identified with--they liked green.
  • Testing out how a customer would sign up for a money account, which involves uploading identity documents and taking selfies. This helped us understand how intuitive the journey was and if the customer could complete the tasks without getting stuck
  • Watching users on the video to see how they completed a task, entering their assets and liabilities to work out their net wealth. This helped us to figure out the users' mental model on what they understood of the financial terms we used.


  • For tests involving iOS or Android apps, where we provide the source file to UserTesting, we seem to encounter technical issues by users who can't download the app or have some other issue and we never seem to get a resolution from UserTesting. So its a bit hit and miss if we manage to get users through the testing. We probably need to understand the technical requirements from UserTesting on what files we need to submit, such as the supported versions.
  • Sharing videos with colleagues, the links don't work directly from UserTesting, so we end up downloading the videos and uploading them into our own environment for sharing. This is time consuming when there are a large quantity of videos.
  • Quantitative studies (written surveys). We don't always need to use videos, so it would be great to use the panels to send out surveys/questionnaires--especially for large numbers of participants (100+).
  • More intuitive user experience
  • Branding that customers identify with
  • Cost savings, as we don't have to re-do development work that isn't working
  • Retention of customers, as they will continue to use our products if they meet their needs
We don't always get resolutions that solve the problem and the time to respond could be better.
Good usability; we continue to see improvements in the simplified templates. There is a small learning curve to understand how to set up a test for the first time, but there are enough articles and help that you can use to do it. You do need to understand the principles of user research in order to use the tool effectively, so it might help to have links to training (UserTesting University) and other sources.
We understand our customers better as a result of using UserTesting--especially the interaction of the Muslim faith with money. We can therefore plan our product roadmap according to these insights and needs. We only use digital remote user testing. It has helped us to use UserTesting as a tool to confirm decisions or change our direction if the insights highlight wrong assumptions in our original decisions.
  • UserTesting
We didn't evaluate other products because we had some previous experience of UserTesting and knew it could do the job.

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UserTesting is good for small qualitative studies to get insights about how participants perform a task and get feedback on our products. It has helped us to see the strengths and weaknesses of our designs and user journeys. It's not so good for larger quantitative studies where we need to get feedback from a larger number of views. Another area is the ability to run across age groups to see if there are differences in how tasks are done or if views differ by age. It would be good to have an easier way to manage this, as currently we set up individual tests per age group.


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