WooCommerce Subscriptions vs. Zuora

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
WooCommerce Subscriptions
Score 8.3 out of 10
WooCommerce Subscriptions is a premium extension for WooCommerce which supports recurring payments and subscription-based services and products.N/A
Score 7.8 out of 10
Zuora is one of the best-known subscription billing platforms. Zuora is an enterprise-level product and, as such, provides comprehensive metrics, tax automation, and support for multiple currencies. It also offers Salesforce and NetSuite integration out-of the-box. It often replaces cumbersome ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems that does not focus exclusively on billing.N/A
WooCommerce SubscriptionsZuora
Editions & Modules
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Pricing Offerings
WooCommerce SubscriptionsZuora
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeNo setup fee
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Best Alternatives
WooCommerce SubscriptionsZuora
Small Businesses
2Checkout from Verifone
2Checkout from Verifone
Score 8.6 out of 10
WooCommerce Subscriptions
WooCommerce Subscriptions
Score 8.3 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Sage Intacct
Sage Intacct
Score 8.6 out of 10
Sage Intacct
Sage Intacct
Score 8.6 out of 10
Salesforce CPQ
Salesforce CPQ
Score 7.9 out of 10
Salesforce CPQ
Salesforce CPQ
Score 7.9 out of 10
All AlternativesView all alternativesView all alternatives
User Ratings
WooCommerce SubscriptionsZuora
Likelihood to Recommend
(9 ratings)
(134 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(1 ratings)
(14 ratings)
(4 ratings)
(17 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(3 ratings)
Support Rating
(3 ratings)
(13 ratings)
In-Person Training
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
Online Training
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
Implementation Rating
(1 ratings)
(9 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(3 ratings)
Ease of integration
(0 ratings)
(3 ratings)
Product Scalability
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
Vendor post-sale
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
Vendor pre-sale
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
User Testimonials
WooCommerce SubscriptionsZuora
Likelihood to Recommend
WooCommerce Subscriptions is a solid option for WordPress based eCommerce sites, particularly if you are already using WooCommerce as your eCommerce platform. It works for simple subscriptions, allows for customization in terms of email notifications, pricing, coupons, etc. It obviously would not be a good fit for non-WordPress websites, and it may be too much if all you need are very simple subscription plans.
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Zuroa is very well-suited for B2B businesses that primarily have a subscription stream of revenue. It is less appropriate for B2C and retail, if you are only selling one-time products or services, this tool would be overkill and confusing instead of helpful. However, if you need to recognize revenue from subscriptions over the service period, Zuora is a lifesaver.
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  • Recurring payments
  • Dunning / retrying of payments if it fails the first time
  • Automatically removing access if payments fail
  • Keeping records of who is on which subscription
  • Users can manage their own subscription
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  • The implementation of Zuora is very helpful. Their interactive training guides are one of the best I've used. It is very thorough and any salesperson can learn how to use it very quickly.
  • Their subscription management offers many ways to sell a subscription. These subscriptions can be evergreen (renewing every month) or termed subscriptions. The subscriptions can be amended to add/remove products very easily.
  • The ability to quickly pass through large amounts of usage data for our clients is allowing us to perform billing in a time-effective manner. Once usage data is loaded, a few clicks and all of the invoices for our client base can be generated. Invoices are clean and detailed which help us maintain a good customer experience even with our somewhat complex billing model. The reporting is extremely helpful in calculating the end of month commissions, recognizing and deferring revenue, and overall bookkeeping.
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  • Better syncing to ActiveCampaign for renewal reminders
  • Make it easier for clients to update their credit cards and have it automatically apply to all subscriptions
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  • User Interface - Zuora's UI is still a weak point, however, this is negated through the use of its API's. Zuora has done a lot of work in releasing new products to limit its UI experience and the addition of Orders allows for more functionality to reduce the UI issue.
  • Complex system - This is both a pro and a con, but in this instance, it is a con because we may not have taken the time to truly understand the implications of all the options that were available. the Flexibility is great however if you do not take the time to understand the product and what problem you are trying to solve, you can make life difficult for yourself later down the track. Take the time to map out your approach end to end and ensure your assumptions at the start are robust.
  • Reporting - reporting is weak as such we have moved away to our own reporting data warehouse.
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Likelihood to Renew
We are very likely to renew our Woo Commerce subscriptions add on. We are dedicated to WordPress and plan to grow our business significantly. Woo Commerce subscriptions enables us to manage and extend our subscription revenue easily. We did not have this a few years ago and we have seen the uplift in revenue from using it!
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Our business is now, more than ever, focused on our core business rather than homegrown support tools for quoting, contracts, billing, invoicing, payments and the rest of the subscription economy. We evaluated other solutions and found this the best and most viable solution given the strong ties to Salesforce and it's integration. Zuora works, and it works well.
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I like almost everything about WooCommerce Subscriptions EXCEPT one of the main reasons we started using it has never worked out. When we started this subscription box company, I discovered that it was difficult to track how many of each unique product we needed to order to fulfill subscriptions. In my naivete, I thought it was a simple task . 4 years later, I have recently developed my own custom solution (after learning 5 different programming languages) and I now use the WooCommerce and WooCommerce Subscriptions API to get the data I need from the store en masse. Basically, I offer multiple selections that customers can make as part of their subscriptions. WooCommerce does not offer totals or reports for anything up that is not tracked using a 'variation ID' which you have to manually generate. My products have 80 or so variations per product sometimes and the WooCommerce system was actually a little buggy when I tried setting them all up at once so I gave up. Now I know that without that info, the selections in orders are treated as metadata and handled almost as if they are not relevant to the order
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I had 20+ years of accounting experience before taking on the revenue role. I had several things to [learn] but was able to easily master the software in a matter of weeks. Zuora is our preferred billing platform that we currently use - very efficient and much more automated than our other platform/process.
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Reliability and Availability
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There have only been a few days/instances in the past 2.5 years of using zuora that I, personally have had issues or been notified of issues relating to Zuora.
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Zuora does a superb job for all the tasks I use it for. Billing - it is trustworthy and accurate. Customer data- it holds it and keeps past records for even cancelled accounts, and subscription builds - it has the ability to make very difficult subscriptions seem easy.
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Support Rating
The ticketing system of WooCommerce and WooCommerce Subscriptions is not state of the art. I wish it were an intercom type of support, But I honestly very rarely need support so it's partially a non-issue. Documentation is also very good so it preemptively addresses things that you might typically need support on. One thing I hate about WooCommerce plugins' support MO is that you're always asked to reset to the standard WP theme and deactivate all plugins, which is near impossible to do in a production environment. So their preliminary steps for offering support are highly onerous.
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A support request is emailed to their support team, then an automated response is sent to you in a couple hours saying "Hey, someone will take a look at your support request soon". Then somewhere around 12-18 hours later, an actual support member responds with "Have you checked out our tutorials? Here's one that sounds like it might help you". I don't want a tutorial given to me that I've already read through that only exists because of the terrible user design of Zuora's user interface
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In-Person Training
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The onsite was so helpful and worth the hours spent. All three people that came to represent Zuora had a lot to offer.
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Online Training
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It was reliable.
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Implementation Rating
It was a smooth and easy implementation for us. Downloaded the add-on and made a few integrations to salesforce and shipstation and we were up and running within a day
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I think Zuora did a great job. However, they could have provided more guidance on how to deal with out Payment Gateway and Processor provider, as well as guidance around providing a Mobile Responsive experience for sites using the Zuora HPM.
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Alternatives Considered
We liked that WooCommerce Subscriptions was easier to implement, use, and (slightly) modify over Shopify's subscription model. We can implement and grow Wordpress and WooCommerce (with subscriptions) on our micro-sites fairly quickly and without much long term hassle. The UI is pretty easy to navigate, and the code is a bit simpler than Shopify's (from what we reviewed).
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In its focused area of subscription management, Zuora does well against competitors. There are some aspects of the tool that appear to attempt to be more "platform" oriented, but fall off quickly. NetSuite and SFDC are not reporting tools, but they look great when compared to Zuora in this regard. Zuora has scripting capabilities thru REST and SOAP (deprecated), but I have found it to be confusing and not particularly useful; much of the documentation and KB seems out-of-date or just plain wrong.
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The product is capable of a lot, small companies and large companies can utilize it with ease
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Return on Investment
  • Increased recurring monthly/yearly revenue
  • Decreased time spent managing billing and subscriptions manually
  • Eliminated manual onboarding time, creating accounts by hand, etc.
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  • Poor support has slowed down our implementation of features and resolution of issues
  • Lack of flexibility has led to some complex and unwieldy workaround solutions
  • No useful built in AR reporting so we had to come up with our own solution
  • Challenges with finance due to unreliability of Salesforce sync
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