ADP Workforce Now love/hate relationship - More love than hate
Overall Satisfaction with ADP Workforce Now
We use ADP Workforce Now throughout the entire company for our payroll and time keeping needs. Initially we wanted a system to help with the 1095c forms and our W2's but have since incorporated the time keeping system as well. We also use it as our intranet to post current and important information for our employees.
- The finger punch system for time keeping is very easy to use.
- Paperless information is easier for employees to access.
- The reports ADP provides have a lot to be desired. Very hard to use and manipulate.
- Recovering previous year's information is very difficult.
- Going paperless has been very cost effective.
- Reynolds and Reynolds
- Merrill Lynch
It was extremely difficult to integrate all of our other systems with ADP. You have to know the questions to ask in order to get all of the answers. Normally we had to have a problem in order to find out we did not have something set up. You would think the departments within ADP (had to deal with 3 different departments for 3 different systems) would know all of the aspects of these systems but they don't. Integrating with Merrill Lynch took almost 2 years for it to work and it is still not 100%. Even know, after 3 years, we are still trying to fix problems with out benefit companies, Merrill Lynch and out internal system.
We selected ADP over the others because it was highly rated and seemed to fit our business needs.
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