Asana is an excellent project management tool
January 20, 2014

Asana is an excellent project management tool

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • My tasks

Overall Satisfaction

It was used by our entire organization since we constantly collaborated with all the departments including marketing, web development, creative direction, executives, and customer service. The business problem it addresses is making sure each department is aligned with one another and to make us all efficient with our projects.


  • Assigning deadlines to staff that you're working with directly to make sure they meet them in order to achieve success.
  • Making sure we know which team member has completed a project so we do not take on that project or have to wonder if it has been completed or not.
  • Keeping all projects organized so we meet deadlines and move quickly on to other tasks.


  • This is not an improvement for Asana, but I wish there was a way to make team members held accountable when they do not actively participate on Asana and we do not know if they've accomplished their tasks or not if they have not logged in.
  • Increased employee efficiency
  • Successful product rollouts
  • Negative impact: when not utilized correctly, employees can be overwhelmed and not actively participate on Asana.
Asana is a much more seamless process, much more intuitive, and better UI. My complaint with Basecamp is that it does not seem well organized - the interface is not as intuitive and in the past, it has overwhelmed my former teammates. To the point where they do not actively login to Basecamp at all.
I had a positive experience with it. It was easy to learn and my team really enjoyed collaborating it and assigning projects through this tool. If I could get all staff involved and provide incentives for all of us to use the tool, we would be probably 2x more efficient with our productivity. Everyone has their own tools to manage projects but we should stick to just one tool like Asana.
Specific scenarios where they are well suited is when you're collaborating with more than three team members or collaborating with other departments on a product rollout. In order to achieve success, you must know which team member is responsible for which task and make sure they actively login to Asana to provide an update on where they are in their tasks or if they have completed. This ensures that everyone has completed their task so the product rollout will be successful. Scenarios where it is less appropriate is if the project has less than 5 steps to complete and it is an ongoing process that you complete on an ongoing basis.

Product Usage

10 - Creative design, web development, marketing, customer service, executives.
7 - Web developers, software developers, public relations, marketing, web content, SEO, customer service, designer.
  • Organization
  • Efficiency
  • Identify opportunities
  • Brainstorming activities
  • ROI evaluation
  • Project management identification
  • Identify staffing needs

Evaluation and Selection

  • Price
  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
  • Product Reputation
  • Prior Experience with the Product
  • Vendor Reputation
Price - since we're a startup, pricing matters.
Identify who on the staff would actually use Asana.


They were always able to help me with any questions I had.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Support cares about my success
Yes - Yes, I was surprised how quickly it took to resolve because normally it takes days to hear a response from other competitors.


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