Powerful cloud storage solution for enterprise organizations
- Flexible data management options
- Powerful data housing system storing trillions of bits of data seamlessly
- Conveniently built in the cloud
- Safe option for storing sensitive data
- Amplidata has enabled us to replace our on-premise data storage for many of our larger clients, thus reducing the cost to deploy and house this ourselves
- Clients feel confident in storing their sensitive data with us knowing that they have full management and visibility at their fingertips
- The ability to quickly scale allows us to meet the needs of clients of all sizes
- Expand our data storage capability for customers
- Secure our data with cloud-based storage, thereby earning customer trust
- Simplify the storage and accessibility of data so that a number of users can utilize it at any time from anywhere
- Manage user accessibility roles to ensure the right people have access to the right data- and lock down certain sensitive pieces of data as needed
- We were able to segment our data for certain projects so that only those assigned to the project could access the data
- We have been able to include cloud based data storage as an add on in customer contracts, and have since found that customers prefer this 5:1 to on-premise storage solutions
- We have plans to acquire a number of smaller IT platforms in the near future and look forward to using this solution to import the data elements quickly and efficiently. This will also allow us to keep the data for each company separate.