ADP At A Glance
Overall Satisfaction with ADP Workforce Now
I use Workforce ADP Now to support annual evaluations, set goals and objectives, monitor time-off requests, vacation time, holiday schedules, storage bank for documents and certificates for my staff, work schedules, HR resources, supporting a communal message board to my team, use as a two-way communication with my staff, ADP supports our storage of company documents that govern our organization, we use it to support our community contracts.
- Tracking time off.
- Storing documents.
- Easily accessible and to use.
- Customizable to meet my need.
- I will need to check, but we have a staff that speaks Arabic and I am not sure if that is an option in ADP to translate in.
- Being able to batch previous certificates would be helpful by year.
- Attach a summary page for an at a glance look at all times staff has available to them.
- We have been able to complete and track 100% of all annual evaluations and do them in a timely manner for the past 9 years.
- 100% of our staff use the system's tracking for time off and vacation requests.
- We have been able to decrease the use of excel spreadsheets significantly because we can track certification in the system now. This has saved both time and money!
- We have ADP communicating with our in-house HR filing system.
This integration was easy because we can upload and import in-house information easily into ADP Workforce Now.
- Salesforce Lightning Platform (formerly Salesforce App Cloud)
We have a few managers who use Salesforce and in comparison, being a former Salesforce user, I enjoy ADP Workforce Now better because of the ease of use and notification and alert system.
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